Virksomhedsbesøg Nordic Harvest A/S

Selskabets medlemmer inviteres hermed til en virksomhedsbesøg sammen med phd-foreningen Nordic Harvest A/S.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 14. august 2023,  kl. 17:00 - 19:00


Litauen Alle 13 (30-02, 312), 2630 Taastrup

Nordic Harvest is a vertical farm production company in Høje Tåstrup which produces salads and herbs throughout the year.
We will hear about their production system and challenges the meet – including plant diseases. Language will be English.

All are welcome. Registration /Tilmelding) til David B. Collinge by email with subject “Nordic Harvest”: (mobil 2174 1770) by 7th August.
