
SEGES - our partner in Denmark

SEGES offer solutions for the agriculture and food sector of the future.

Our prime objective is to identify the commercial potential in agriculture to provide Danish and international farmers and horticulturalists with the best tools for running their businesses more profitably and in the way that take account of the environment and animal welfare.

SEGES covers all aspects of farming and farm management - from crop production, the environment, livestock farming and organic production to finance, tax legislation, IT architecture, accounting, HR, training and conservation. This is carried out in close partnerships with universities, government departments, businesses and trade associations.

Denmark was appointed a Case Study Region in RustWatch and SEGESs role is to coordinate and carry out activities in the region aiming at facilitating the interaction between stakeholders in the region and RustWatch acivities.

One major activity is to host and coordinate a yearly Case Study Region workshop and to organise open field days and other activities that promote the project, demonstrate outputs from the RustWatch project. Secondly to identify needs and ideas from stakeholders in the region that will feed directly into the activities and developments in RustWatch. 

In RustWatch we will facilitate the exchange of ideas, knowledge and technologies  between the 5 selected case study regions. Workpackage 3 will also accomplish a comparable case study describing and comparing innovative IPM strategies in each region. 


Contact Person: Stine Styrup Bang, project coordinator |    | Tel  +45 8740 5164 | Agro Food Park 15, 8200 Aarhus N

Case Study Region Workshop, 2019. Presentations from the meeting

Time: 19 March 2019

Place: Agrofood park 15, SEGES, Aarhus, Denmark

Topics and presenters

Stine S. Bang, SEGES, wellcomed all participants. Mogens Hovmøller, the RustWatch coodinator explained about RustWartch and Jens G. Hansen  introduced the Case Study Region objectivies and proposed activities. After several presentations from stakeholders, future needs for science, extension and breeding were discussed in smaller groups. A roadmap until next meeting was agreed upon including dissemination plan and open field days. 

Public material from the meeting. Some material are in local language.


Open Field Days 2019




Participants, RustWatch


Patriotisk selskab

11. juni, kl. 18.00-19.30

Bramstrup Videncenter Bramstrupvej 1, 5792 Aarslev

~300 participants

Mogens Hovmøller, Lars Bonde


Read more

LMO Økotræf

12. juni, kl. 9.30-16.00

Højmark Gård, Glæsborgvej 20, 8450 Hammel. ~150 participants

Jens Grønbech, Tove Pedersen & Lars Egelund


Read more

VKST Hvededag

18. juni, kl. 13.00-16.00

VKST Field Trials, Kongstedvej 4B, 4100 Ringsted. ~75 participants

Mogens Hovmøller, Lars Bonde

Read more

Roll up produced for this event


Photoes from Bramstrup and Ringsted

Case Study Region Workshop, 2020. Program

Time: 16 March 2020

Place: Agrofood park 15, SEGES, Aarhus, Denmark

1. Velkomst, præsentationsrunde og formål med dagen/Stine Styrup Bang

2. Erfaringer med rust i hvede i 2019 – set fra min side

  • Ghita Cordsen Nielsen, Plante- og MiljøInnovation, SEGES

  • Lars Egelund, ØkologiInnovation, SEGES

  • Susanne Sindberg, Tystofte Fonden

  • Jeppe Reitan Andersen, Nordic Seed

  • Finn Borum, Sejet Planteforædling


3. Udvalgte resultater fra de første 18 måneder af RustWatch:

  • Udviklingen af hvede rust genotyper og racer i Europa 2018-19, hvad er situationen i Danmark? / Mogens Hovmøller

  • Molekylær diagnostik af rust racer – hvad er perspektiverne? / Annemarie F. Justesen, AU

  • Betydning af Alm. berberis i Europa for udvikling af nye racer. / Annemarie F. Justesen, AU

  • Europæiske smitteforsøg med gul-, brun-, og sortrust i marken samt brug af ’fang-sorter’ i sortsafprøvningen / Mogens Hovmøller, AU

  • Smitteforsøg med voksne planter i væksthus om vinteren / Mogens Hovmøller, AU

  • Europæiske IPM forsøg, bl.a. med test af alternative produkter.  / Annemarie F. Justesen, AU

  • Ny App for indrapportering af gulrust i danske marker, resultater 1-15 marts 2020 / Jens G. Hansen, AU

4. Demonstration af den nye SortInfo / Leif Hagelskjær, SEGES

5. Hvede rust i Europa. Demonstration af  data, kort og grafik / Jens G. Hansen, AU

6. Fremtidig rustvarsling i Danmark - hvad har vi brug for, hvem gør hvad og hvad koster det? / Mogens S. Hovmøller, AU og Ghita Cordsen Nielsen, SEGES

7. Aktiviteter i 6 ’Case Study Regions’ i Europa – hvad fandt vi ud af til de forskellige workshops sidste år og hvad kan vi lære af hinanden mht. varsling og bekæmpelse af rust? Spørgeskemaer, gruppearbejde og feedback. / Stine Styrup Bang, SEGES, Mogens S. Hovmøller, AU, Jens Grønbech, AU, Jessica Joaquim og Fabio Mascher, AgroScope

8. Markvandringer og arrangementer i 2020 – hvor er det relevant at formidle resultater fra RustWatch? / Stine Styrup Bang, SEGES

9. Opsamling og afrunding / Stine Styrup Bang, SEGES


Case Study Region Workshop, 2021. Presentations from the meeting

Time: 5 May 2021

Place: Online using Zoom

Topics and presenters:

Invitation list


About Crowdsource wheat rust surveillance

Public material from the meeting. Some material are in local language.


Case Study Region Workshop, 2022. Program

Time: 17 June 2022

Place: Research Centre Flakkebjerg

Topics and presenters:

Tidspunkt Emne

9.30 – 10.00  Ankomst. Kaffe og brød v. Mogens Hovmøller (AU) og Rasmus Emil Jensen (SEGES)
10.00 – 12.00 Markvandring – forsøg på Flakkebjerg.

  • Kontrol af rust i hvede v. Lise Nistrup (AU)

  • inokulerede sortsforsøg med forskellige smitteracer v. Julian Rodriguez Algaba (AU)

  • Virkning af resistens ved brug af eksperimentielle hvedesorter v. Chris Khadgi Sø-rensen (AU)

12.00 – 13.00 Frokost
13.00 – 14.00 Besøg i drivhusene

  • Arbejdsgang og ressourcer ved Global Rust Reference Center v. Mogens Hovmøller (AU)

  • Stem rust in wheat and grasses / Rust specificity (species and cultivar level) v. Mehran Patpour (AU) / Julian Rodriquez Algaba (AU)

  • Gulrust race- og genotyping v. Ellen Jørgensen (AU) / Julian Rodriquez Algaba (AU)

14.00 – 15.00 Auditorium og kaffe
Europæisk samarbejde omkring rust

  • Case study region collaboration v. Rasmus Emil Jensen (SEGES) og Fabio Ma-cher (AgroScope Schweiz)

  • Sammenfatning af multi-lokation IPM-markforsøg i Europa (2019-2021) v. Lise Nistrup (AU)

  • Europæiske værktøjer til tidlig varsling af rust i hvede – fremtidige initiativer og nye udfordringer v. Jens Grønbech Hansen (AU) og Mogens Hovmøller (AU)

15.00 Afslutning
