Aarhus University Seal

Understanding Agroecology

A group of young researchers from the Department of Agroecology have set out to make a series of videos and articles that will describe and explain the concept of agroecology in more detail. Here is what they themselves write about the topic:

"Agroecology is multifaceted and entails science, practice and social movements. Agroecology is also strongly connected with local context and traditions. All of this makes it difficult to find a unique, universal definition of agroecology. The growing use of the term in the scientific literature and the rising interest of policymakers call for clarity.

Agroecology is identified as one of the strategies to meet the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And it was proposed to be included in the new Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations organised two symposiums around it.

If the term agroecology is to become part of our daily vocabulary and life, we think it is important to fill the current understanding gap in videos and articles posted here."