Publications - Merete Halkjær Olesen en-us PURE Extension (Web Department) 30 <![CDATA[Importance of seed quality for the fresh cut chain]]> Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Shetty, N., Gislum, R., Boelt, B. Seed is the most fundamental input in vegetable production on which the effectiveness of other inputs and outputs depends. If the seed is of poor quality, the use of other inputs is less successful and will occasionally be irrelevant. A definition of seed quality will depend upon the use for which the seed is intended. Viability, vigor, uniformity, purity and health of the seeds are quality parameters important for all production systems. The ideal situation for both fresh produce and fresh cut would be seeds that germinate uniformly at a high percentage and subsequently grow relatively fast to the desired size, thus, resulting in leaves of improved quality. It is likely that such leaves will be more able to withstand the rigorous processing that includes harvest, transportation, washing, sanitization, de-watering and packaging. This ideal situation would both be determined by the mentioned properties of the seeds and to a large extend the cultivar of the seeds. The quality of a vegetable product is defined by the interaction of these factors, including environmental factors as well as by management and technology. Novel, fast and non-destructive technologies for seed testing allow for new sorting possibilities of a seed lot. At present, new initiatives using multispectral imaging and single seed NIR spectroscopy is being developed at AU for description of seed lots. Preliminary results on investigations of pak choi seeds are presented.

Forskning Thu, 30 Aug 2018 06:14:32 +0200 76d79859-c149-4bed-98fa-085a0a720b73
<![CDATA[Effect of <em>Verticillium dahliae</em> soil inoculum levels on spinach seed infection]]> Sapkota, R., Olesen, M. H., Deleuran, L. C., Boelt, B., Nicolaisen, M. Verticillium dahliae is a soilborne pathogen and a threat to spinach seed production. The aim of this study was to understand the relation between V. dahliae soil inoculum and infection in harvested seed. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used for quantification of the pathogen. Semifield experiments in which spinach was grown in soils with different inoculum levels enabled us to determine a threshold level for V. dahliae DNA of 0.003 ng/g of soil for seed infection to occur. Soils from production fields were sampled in 2013 and 2014 during and before planting, as well as the harvested seed. Seed from plants grown in infested soils were infected with V. dahliae in samples from both the semifield and open-field experiments. Lower levels of pathogen were found in seed from spinach grown in soils with a scattered distribution of V. dahliae (one or two positive of three soil subsamples) than in soils with a uniform distribution of the pathogen (three of three positive soil subsamples). Our results showed that infection of V. dahliae in harvested seed strongly depended on the presence of pathogen inoculum in the soil.]]> Forskning Fri, 01 Jan 2016 06:14:32 +0100 d724a115-99d6-4023-a9c7-ed7d1ca10f4d <![CDATA[The Use of Image-Spectroscopy Technology as a Diagnostic Method for Seed Health Testing and Variety Identification]]> Vrešak, M., Halkjaer Olesen, M., Gislum, R., Bavec, F., Ravn Jørgensen, J. Application of rapid and time-efficient health diagnostic and identification technology in the seed industry chain could accelerate required analysis, characteristic description and also ultimately availability of new desired varieties. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential of multispectral imaging and single kernel near-infrared spectroscopy (SKNIR) for determination of seed health and variety separation of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm. & Camus). The analysis, carried out in autumn 2013 at AU-Flakkebjerg, Denmark, included nine winter triticale varieties and 27 wheat varieties provided by the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences Maribor, Slovenia. Fusarium sp. and black point disease-infected parts of the seed surface could successfully be distinguished from uninfected parts with use of a multispectral imaging device (405-970 nm wavelengths). SKNIR was applied in this research to differentiate all 36 involved varieties based on spectral differences due to variation in the chemical composition. The study produced an interesting result of successful distinguishing between the infected and uninfected parts of the seed surface. Furthermore, the study was able to distinguish between varieties. Together these components could be used in further studies for the development of a sorting model by combining data from multispectral imaging and SKNIR for identifying disease(s) and varieties.

Forskning Thu, 24 Mar 2016 06:14:32 +0100 8d2a404d-3585-43c5-b7dc-760093133344
<![CDATA[The use of image-spectroscopy technology as a diagnostic method for seed health tests and variety identification]]> Vrešak, M., Olesen, M. H., Gislum, R., Bavec, F., Jørgensen, J. R. Forskning Tue, 24 Nov 2015 06:14:32 +0100 8b2129ab-a35a-4992-b5bd-97031729994e <![CDATA[Seed set and seed development in perennial ryegrass and the effects on seed quality]]> Boelt, B., Olesen, M. H., Abel, S., Gislum, R. Forskning Sun, 21 Jun 2015 06:14:32 +0200 4336b99e-db6c-40b3-a33a-cd2842a01553 <![CDATA[Visnesyge har mange værter på vejen til spinat]]> Olesen, M. H. Formidling Wed, 01 Jul 2015 06:14:32 +0200 2067759e-919a-47bb-a372-16ce568a5341 <![CDATA[Viability Prediction of <i>Ricinus cummunis </i>L. Seeds Using Multispectral Imaging]]> Olesen, M. H., Nikneshan, P., Shrestha, S., et al. Forskning Thu, 01 Jan 2015 06:14:32 +0100 611262ab-a442-4c46-aced-70fe1e659e8c <![CDATA[Use of Multispectral Imaging in Varietal Identification of Tomato]]> Shrestha, S., Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Gislum, R. Forskning Thu, 01 Jan 2015 06:14:32 +0100 bdfcea40-78e5-4365-8812-aa0b37a0b7f2 <![CDATA[Preventing an increase in Verticillium wilt incidence in spinach seed production]]> Olesen, M. H., Deleuran, L. C., Gislum, R., Boelt, B. Forskning Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:14:32 +0100 ad948edd-1b62-44e5-bcef-03c31e43205f <![CDATA[Spray mass balance in pesticide application]]> Jensen, P. K., Olesen, M. H. Forskning Wed, 01 Jan 2014 06:14:32 +0100 3f7c5e3f-5bd4-4200-a800-ea958a1deeb2 <![CDATA[Collection and evaluation of relevant information on crop interception]]> Olesen, M. H., Jensen, P. K. Rådgivning Tue, 01 Jan 2013 06:14:32 +0100 c2db93d6-748d-44d1-93ed-1afb0cbcf6f5 <![CDATA[Forekomst af visnesyge og andre svampesygdomme i spinat til frø med fokus på infektion af henholdsvis jord og frø]]> Olesen, M. H., Deleuran, L. C. vigtigt, at der arbejdes på at reducere sygdomstrykket i både frø og jord. Identifikation af sygdomsproblemer under produktionen i marken giver mulighed for bekæmpelse af sygdommen i det omfang, der er godkendte midler, som virker. Sammenhæng mellem infektion på planterne og på frøet efter høst er
et område, hvor der er meget lidt viden. Ved et bedre kendskab til smittetrykket kan man undgå at så inficeret udsæd i jomfruelig jord (”ikke smittet jord”) og omvendt være opmærksom på ikke at så uinficeret udsæd i inficerede jorde. Undersøgelser fra Holland og USA har vist, at forekomsten af V. dahliae
i frøpartier er forøget de senere år. I Holland blev der i 1973 påvist V. dahliae i 20 ud af 34 testede frøpartier. I amerikanske undersøgelser blev der i 2003 påvist V. dahliae i 57 ud af 62 partier. Denne høje infektionsgrad bekræfter behovet for øget kontrol af frøpartier. Ved AU Flakkebjerg er der i perioden 2008-2010 lavet en række forsøg for at evaluere potentielle fremgangsmåder,
der kan reducere infektionen af visnesyge og andre svampesygdomme i spinatfrø. Dette ved at så spinatfrø i uinficeret jord og jord naturligt inficeret med henholdsvis F. oxysporium f.sp. spinaciae og V. dahliae. I samme forsøg undersøges forskellige frø og jordbehandlinger, som potentielle mulige
metoder til reduktion af smittetrykket i jorden og på frøet. I 2009 blev der observeret en reduktion i infektionsniveauet af V. dahliae på det høstede frø, når de anvendte stamfrø var behandlet med Thiram.]]>
Rådgivning Sun, 01 Jan 2012 06:14:32 +0100 6d69f721-511e-462c-9ccc-dc059acbeab4
<![CDATA[Bekæmpelse af svampesygdomme i spinat]]> Paaske, K., Olesen, M. H., Deleuran, L. C., Feidenhans'l, B. . i planter med reduceret vækst, grundet bladinfektion. I perioden 2005-2008 er der gennemført 8 Landsforsøg med forskellige strategier til bekæmpelse af
svampesygdomme i spinat. Ligeledes har der ved AU Flakkebjerg været forsøg med sprøjtninger med Signum, Opera og Cantus i perioden 2006-2008. Resultaterne af forsøgene viser pæne merudbytter for bekæmpelse af svampesygdomme i spinatfrøproduktionen. I forsøgene fra AU ses endvidere, at svampebekæmpelsen giver en reduktion af forekomsten af Stemphyllium botryosum og Cladosporium spp. på det høstede spinatfrø.]]>
Rådgivning Sun, 01 Jan 2012 06:14:32 +0100 3cba1fae-eb90-465d-ae55-cf24379c05a4
<![CDATA[Spinach seed quality - potential for combining seed size grading and chlorophyll flourescence sorting]]> Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Boelt, B. Forskning Tue, 01 Jan 2013 06:14:32 +0100 257b7e4b-d9ec-44b9-a596-4b202f18b9a2 <![CDATA[Improvement and evaluation of vegerable seed quality by the use of non-destructive technologies]]> Olesen, M. H. kvaliteten af de høstede frø, og dermed forbedre kvaliteten af grønsagsproduktionen. I kapitel 3 gives en oversigt over de metoder, der anvendes i dag, og en beskrivelse af nye potentielle teknologier, som vil være af stor værdi i fremtidens frøforskning og kvalitetskontrol.
Eksperimentelt er forsøg udført med spinat som modelafgrøde. Spinat frø blev valgt, fordi spinat er den vigtigste afgrøde i dansk grønsagsfrø produktion. Resultaterne fra det eksperimentelle arbejde er beskrevet i tre artikler der omhandler brugen af enkelt kerne NIR spektroskopi (I), multispektral billede analyse (V) samt brugen af Verticillium spp. inficeret jord til produktion af spinat frø (III). Endvidere er der to konference artikler, som beskriver det indledende forsøgsarbejde og resultater ved brugen af multispektral billede analyse til
forudsigelse af spireevne (II) og bestemmelse af frø sundhed (IV).
Resultater fra enkelt kerne NIR målingerne bekræftede, at forudsigelse af spireevne er muligt på frø med og uden pericarp. Data er baseret på diffuse reflektants målinger af det biokemiske indhold i pericarp, testa, perisperm, micropylar endosperm og embryoet. De nævnte strukturer formodes alle at påvirke frøets evne til spiring. For at øge antallet af ikke-spirende frø, blev halvdelen af frø prøverne udsat for en accelereret ældning (i varmeskab ved 41°C i 72 timer). Ved brug af NIR målingerne var det således også muligt at detektere nogle af de biokemiske ændringer, der sker ved ældning af frøet. Ved evaluering af forskellen imellem de korrigerede spektre for de forskellige frø prøver (ikke spirende, spirende, ældet, ikke ældet) kunne der ses en forskel i de bånd, som afspejler CH2, CH3 og HC=CH strukturer. Denne observation hænger godt sammen med resultater af tidligere biokemiske analyser, hvor det er vist, at der sker en nedbrydning af lipid forbindelser ved initiering af spiringsprocessen. Under accelereret ældning sker der en lipid-peroxidation, som fører til en ødelæggelse af 14 cellemembraner, og dermed medfører en nedsat spireevne af frøene. På baggrund af NIR målingerne var det muligt at lave en klassifikationsmodel der kunne bruges til at forudsige frøenes spireevne med 89.5 % til 98.3 % nøjagtighed afhængig af om frøene var med eller
uden pericarp, ældet eller om frøene blev spiret ved 15 °C eller 25 °C.
Brugen af multispektral billedanalyse blev testet med det formål at undersøge om lys ved 19 forskellige bølgelængder (fra 395 nm-970 nm) kan benyttes til bestemmelse af frø sundhed og spireevne. Data fra billeder er baseret på overfladeegenskaber af frøene og i det indledende forsøg præsenteret i artikel II, var det muligt ved brug af NIR bølgelængder at forudsige spireevnen af 24 ud af 25 frø.
Behovet for bedre kontrol af infektion af både frø og jord i spinat frø produktion blev illustreret i et potteforsøg med Verticillium spp. inficeret jord (Papir III). Her blev det vist, at frø høstet fra planter dyrket i inficeret jord, medførte inficeret frø alle tre år forsøget blev udført. For at undgå en inficering af nye marker må det derfor antages at være nødvendigt at analysere alle frø-partier inden såning. Endvidere blev der i forsøget testet forskellige kemiske og biologiske behandlinger, men ingen af behandlingerne førte til reduktion af Verticillium
spp. på det høstede frø.
Mulighederne i at bruge multispektral billede analyse, som en hurtig og ikke-destruktiv analysemetode, til bestemmelse af infektions niveauer på de høstede frø er illustreret i artikel IV og V. Til opbygning af en klassifikationsmodel blev analyserne først lavet på billeder af kunstigt smittede frø og efterfølgende blev modellen testet på billeder af naturligt inficerede
frø. Gennemsnitlige pixelværdier fra et udvalgt område på overfladen af frøene blev brugt til adskillelse af ikke-inficerede frø fra frø smittet med Verticillium spp. Fusarium spp. Stemphylium botryosum, Cladosporium spp. eller Alternaria spp. Frø inficeret med Fusarium spp. kunne adskilles fra de øvrige svampe arter, men det var ikke muligt at adskille Stemphylium botryosum, Cladosporium spp. og Verticillium spp. fra hinanden. Analyserne viste, at den bedste adskillelse mellem inficerede og ikke-inficerede frø opnås ved brug af både
VIS og NIR bølgelængder]]>
Forskning Sun, 01 Jan 2012 06:14:32 +0100 3c57ff13-9ada-4dd2-b51b-c7262be8d012
<![CDATA[Single seed NIR as a fast method to predict germination ability in Pak Choi]]> Gislum, R., Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Tveden-Nyborg, S., Boelt, B. Single seed NIR has further been tested to determine the applicability for prediction of seed viability in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seeds and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) seeds. The studies show the possibility of using NIR spectroscopy in a seed separating process in the future, provided that appropriate sorting devices are developed. This article discusses the possibility of using this method to predict germination ability in Pak Choi.

Forskning Sun, 01 Jan 2012 06:14:32 +0100 2094331c-da5b-4aff-89e0-b5b2229c0b4f
<![CDATA[Optimal sample size for predicting viability of cabbage and radish seeds based on near infrared spectra of single seeds]]> Shetty, N., Min, T., Gislum, R., Olesen, M. H., Boelt, B. The effects of the number of seeds in a training sample set on the ability to predict the viability of cabbage or radish seeds are presented and discussed. The supervised classification method extended canonical variates analysis (ECVA) was used to develop a classification model. Calibration sub-sets of different sizes were chosen randomly with several iterations and using the spectral-based sample selection algorithms DUPLEX and CADEX. An independent test set was used to validate the developed classification models. The results showed that 200 seeds were optimal in a calibration set for both cabbage and radish data. The misclassification rates at optimal sample size were 8%, 6% and 7% for cabbage and 3%, 3% and 2% for radish respectively for random method (averaged for 10 iterations), DUPLEX and CADEX algorithms. This was similar to the misclassification rate of 6% and 2% for cabbage and radish obtained using all 600 seeds in the calibration set. Thus, the number of seeds in the calibration set can be reduced by up to 67% without significant loss of classification accuracy, which will effectively enhance the cost-effectiveness of NIR spectral analysis. Wavelength regions important for the discrimination between viable and non-viable seeds were identified using interval ECVA (iECVA) models, ECVA weight plots and the mean difference spectrum for viable and no- viable seeds.

Forskning Sat, 01 Jan 2011 06:14:32 +0100 e4039913-08c8-478a-aa5e-71001cffdecd
<![CDATA[Use of partial least squares discriminant analysis on visible-near infrared multispectral image data to examine germination ability and germ length in spinach seeds]]> Shetty, N., Olesen, M. H., Gislum, R., Deleuran, L. C., Boelt, B. Because of the difficulties in obtaining homogenous germination of spinach seeds for baby leaf production, the possibility of using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) on features extracted from multispectral images of spinach seeds was investigated. The objective has been to discriminate between different seed sizes, as well as to predict germination ability and germ length. Images of 300 seeds including small, medium, and large seeds were taken, and the seeds were examined for germination ability and germ length. PLS-DA loadings plots were used to reduce the multidimensional image features to a few important features. The PLS-DA prediction resulted in an independent test set not only providing discrimination of seed size but also demonstrating how germination ability and germ length vary according to seed size. The result indicated that larger seeds had both a significantly higher germination potential and germ length compared with smaller seeds. The variable importance for projection method showed that the near infrared (NIR) wavelength region is important for germination predictability. However, the PLS-DA model did not improve when only the NIR region was used.

Forskning Sun, 01 Jan 2012 06:14:32 +0100 6155440b-35e4-4be6-8031-905688e03d63
<![CDATA[Classification of viable and non-viable spinach (<em>Spinacia oleracea </em>L.) seeds by single seed near infrared spectroscopy and extended canonical variates analysis]]> Olesen, M. H., Shetty, N., Gislum, R., Boelt, B. ]]> Forskning Mon, 27 Jun 2011 06:14:32 +0200 b6ec90d6-a445-4ec1-8913-9e70069c34c3 <![CDATA[Multispectral imaging as a potential tool for seed health testing of spinach (<em>Spinacia oleracea </em>L.)]]> Olesen, M. H., Carstensen, J. M., Boelt, B. Forskning Fri, 01 Apr 2011 06:14:32 +0200 ef052282-bd70-4ef9-80a6-05c476f0d916 <![CDATA[Importance of Seed Quality for the Fresh-cut Chain]]> Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Shetty, N., Gislum, R., Boelt, B. effectiveness of other inputs and outputs depends. If the seed is of poor
quality, the use of other inputs is less successful and will occasionally be
irrelevant. A definition of seed quality will depend upon the use for, which
the seed is intended. Viability, vigor, uniformity, purity and health of the
seeds are quality parameters important for all production systems. The ideal
situation for both fresh produce and fresh cut would be seeds, which
germinate uniform at a high percentage and subsequently grow relatively
fast to the desired size, thus, resulting in leaves of improved quality. It is
likely that such leaves will be more able to withstand the rigorous processing
that includes harvest, transportation, washing, sanitization, de-watering and
packaging. This ideal situation would both be determined by the mentioned
properties of the seeds and to a large extend the variety of the seeds. The
quality of a vegetable product is defined by the interaction of these factors
including environmental factors as well as by management and technology.
Novel, fast and non-destructive technologies for seed testing allow for new
sorting possibilities of a seed lot. At present new initiatives using
multispectral imaging and single seed NIR spectroscopy is being developed at
AU for description of seed lots. Preliminary results on investigations of Pak
Choi seeds are presented.]]>
Forskning Sat, 01 Jan 2011 06:14:32 +0100 fe041be9-6028-4281-8cac-bdc7596f1681
<![CDATA[Use of VIS-NIR system combined with multispectral image analysis in Spinach (<em>Spinacia oleracea </em>L.) seed]]> Olesen, M. H., Carstensen, J. M., Boelt, B. Forskning Fri, 01 Jan 2010 06:14:32 +0100 7281599b-63ea-4b0f-b480-3e34ab42b62a <![CDATA[Seed health in spinach seed by multispectral imaging]]> Olesen, M. H., Carstensen, J. M., Boelt, B. Forskning Fri, 01 Jan 2010 06:14:32 +0100 57d51670-ab6a-11df-80f4-000ea68e967b <![CDATA[Multivariate classification of germinated, non-germinated and artificially aged radish and cabbage seeds using single seed near infrared reflectance spectroscopy]]> Min, T. G., Shetty, N., Kang, W. S., Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Gislum, R. Forskning Fri, 01 Jan 2010 06:14:32 +0100 0af821f0-ab63-11df-80f4-000ea68e967b <![CDATA[Svampesygdomme i spinat - lær dem at kende]]> Olesen, M. H. Formidling Fri, 01 Jan 2010 06:14:32 +0100 08252470-7d03-11df-a7a3-000ea68e967b <![CDATA[Use of VIS-NIR System combined with Multispectral Image Analysis in Spinach Seed]]> Olesen, M. H., Carstensen, J. M., Boelt, B. Forskning Thu, 01 Jan 2009 06:14:32 +0100 986d7710-1572-11df-8775-000ea68e967b