Publications - Publikationer en-us PURE Extension (Web Department) 30 <![CDATA[Review of Crop Phenotyping in Field Plot Experiments Using UAV-Mounted Sensors and Algorithms]]> Tanaka, T., Wang, S., Jørgensen, J. R., et al. Forskning Sat, 01 Jun 2024 19:02:16 +0200 103a7a6d-3105-4ab1-87ff-b7c194e49ca6 <![CDATA[Three-dimensional area coverage planning model for robotic application]]> Vahdanjoo, M., Gislum, R., Grøn Sørensen, C. Forskning Mon, 01 Apr 2024 19:02:16 +0200 f477cc15-771e-4829-afd0-128be06fe797 <![CDATA[Estimating Fuel Consumption of an Agricultural Robot by Applying Machine Learning Techniques during Seeding Operation]]> Vahdanjoo, M., Gislum, R., Grøn Sørensen, C. Forskning Fri, 01 Mar 2024 19:02:16 +0100 bb9ec7e7-a1ad-4817-b06b-128df34ce833 <![CDATA[Variations of seed size and seed number per spikelet and their effects on seed germination in hulled oats]]> Yuan, Z., Gislum, R., Jing, Z., et al. Seed yield components and ear characteristics are critical parameters for seed yield improvement of cereal crops. In this study, 23 hulled oat (Avena sativa) cultivars were planted in four experimental sites during 2018–2020. We determined the ear parameters including the number of four spikelet types, the ear length, the seed weight per ear, and the size of the left and the right seed in the double-seed spikelet. In addition, five oat cultivars with the highest percentage of the triple-seed spikelet were selected to evaluate the germination performance of the left, the middle, and the right seed. The results showed that the double-seed spikelet was present in 73% of the ear, occupying the highest proportion than other spikelet types. The negative correlation showed the trade-off between total seed number per ear and average seed weight. According to the pathway analysis, the number of double-seed spikelet had the significantly highest direct effect on the seed weight per ear with the path coefficient of 0.93. In the double-seed spikelet, the length and the thickness both had significantly positive correlations to the seed weight of the left and the right seeds. The middle seed, which had the smallest seed size, had the lowest germination rate, germination index, vigour index, seedling weight, and length than the right and left seed among three seed positions in the triple-seed spikelet. We conclude that the double-seed spikelet number is a key ear characteristic when breeding high-yielding cultivars.

Forskning Fri, 01 Mar 2024 19:02:16 +0100 4cecf0bb-4d5c-4691-b2a7-da95bda571d7
<![CDATA[Kamera og kunstig intelligens til vurdering af sygdomstryk i sukkerroer]]> Mortensen, A. K., Hansen, A. L., Gislum, R. Forskning Sun, 01 Jan 2023 19:02:16 +0100 ece8b721-f3fe-497b-a532-c7f2ed9b0cfd <![CDATA[Operational, Economic, and Environmental Assessment of an Agricultural Robot in Seeding and Weeding Operations]]> Vahdanjoo, M., Gislum, R., Grøn Sørensen, C. conventional machinery were described, and different scenarios were used to examine various operational and environmental indicators, as well as individual cost elements, considering various field sizes and working widths of implements used in seeding and weeding operations. The findings demonstrate that the robotic system outperforms conventional machinery in terms of operational
efficiency by as much as 9%. However, the effective field capacity comparison reveals that the conventional system has a field capacity that is up to 3.6 times greater than that of the robotic system.
Additionally, the total cost per hour of the robotic system is up to 57% lower than that of the conventional system. The robotic system can save up to 63.3% of fuel during operation, resulting in the same percentage reduction in CO2 emissions as the conventional system, according to a comparison of fuel consumption.]]>
Forskning Wed, 01 Mar 2023 19:02:16 +0100 5608a058-4440-41cd-bc87-22b82f3be6fc
<![CDATA[Sensor spotter insekter – og aktiverer dyser]]> Topbjerg, H. B. Formidling Tue, 01 Feb 2022 19:02:16 +0100 148ccc23-73f7-446a-ae43-7693306823b1 <![CDATA[Udsætning af snyltehvepsekokoner i hvidkløver]]> Topbjerg, H. B., Boelt, B. Formidling Fri, 01 Apr 2022 19:02:16 +0200 39b2423d-8bcb-4546-9b2b-edad84263bf9 <![CDATA[Kløverhovedgnaver har nedsat følsomhed i nogle områder]]> Topbjerg, H. B. Formidling Fri, 01 Apr 2022 19:02:16 +0200 db589c26-32eb-4d5a-84a7-a058dc98621b <![CDATA[Alternative Management Strategy Towards Weevils in White Clover Seed Production]]> Topbjerg, H. B., Karkov Ytting, N. ., Langer, V., Sigsgaard, L., Skovgård, H., Boelt, B. Forskning Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:02:16 +0100 d16425a6-848b-4467-b8c7-17acd1925ea2 <![CDATA[Hvordan kan vi bruge satellitbilleder i frøavlen?]]> Gislum, R. Formidling Sat, 01 Oct 2022 19:02:16 +0200 4163aa58-ddbd-46cd-9bea-75ecde3fa61f <![CDATA[Fond lukker efter mangeårig værdifuld støtte til frøavlen]]> Boelt, B., Gislum, R. Formidling Fri, 01 Apr 2022 19:02:16 +0200 1f01de24-f88a-4f03-bb88-0ff383ebff9c <![CDATA[Er det nødvendigt at justere kvælstofmængden til frøafgrøden?]]> Gislum, R. Formidling Tue, 01 Mar 2022 19:02:16 +0100 3ca3ebd3-9b6c-4e9f-b5f3-29c59ad8d5db <![CDATA[A chemometric method for the viability analysis of spinach seeds by near infrared spectroscopy with variable selection using successive projections algorithm]]> Lakshmanan, M. K., Boelt, B., Gislum, R. This paper proposes a chemometric method for evaluating the viability of spinach seeds using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and successive projections algorithms (SPA). An essential step of the procedure is to apply the SPA to optimize the choice of variables for multivariate classification. Variable selection using SPA has been described as an optimization problem in which a cost function is minimized. Selecting the correct variables makes the chemometric models more complete, precise, accurate, and less complex. The NIR spectra were processed using the Savitzky-Golay and multiplicative scatter correction techniques. After that, the best wavelength subset was selected using SPA. Different classification techniques are then applied to the dimension-reduced data to determine the seeds’ viability. The results show that the proposed method is less complex compared to existing canonical variance methods (1.7% miscalculation error in the proposed way) and is also easier to implement.

Forskning Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:02:16 +0100 4a477922-49f2-42f9-9088-192bf9502d38
<![CDATA[Potential Impact of Learning Management Zones for Site-Specific N-Fertilization: A Case Study for Wheat Crops]]> Franco, C., Mejía, N., Pedersen, S. M., Gislum, R. Forskning Mon, 13 Jun 2022 19:02:16 +0200 8caad147-63a5-4f97-8056-c5019c82fd21 <![CDATA[Scheimpflug lidar range profiling of bee activity patterns and spatial distributions]]> Rydhmer, K., Prangsma, J., Brydegaard, M., et al. Background: Recent declines of honeybees and simplifications of wild bee communities, at least partly attributed to changes of agricultural landscapes, have worried both the public and the scientific community. To understand how wild and managed bees respond to landscape structure it is essential to investigate their spatial use of foraging habitats. However, such studies are challenging since the foraging behaviour of bees differs between species and can be highly dynamic. Consequently, the necessary data collection is laborious using conventional methods and there is a need for novel methods that allow for automated and continuous monitoring of bees. In this work, we deployed an entomological lidar in a homogenous white clover seed crop and profiled the activity of honeybees and other ambient insects in relation to a cluster of beehives. Results: In total, 566,609 insect observations were recorded by the lidar. The total measured range distribution was separated into three groups, out of which two were centered around the beehives and considered to be honeybees, while the remaining group was considered to be wild insects. The validity of this model in separating honeybees from wild insects was verified by the average wing modulation frequency spectra in the dominating range interval for each group. The temporal variation in measured activity of the assumed honeybee observations was well correlated with honeybee activity indirectly estimated using hive scales as well as directly observed using transect counts. Additional insight regarding the three-dimensional distribution of bees close to the hive was provided by alternating the beam between two heights, revealing a “funnel like” distribution around the beehives, widening with height. Conclusions: We demonstrate how lidar can record very high numbers of insects during a short time period. In this work, a spatial model, derived from the detection limit of the lidar and two Gaussian distributions of honeybees centered around their hives was sufficient to reproduce the observations of honeybees and background insects. This methodology can in the future provide valuable new information on how external factors influence pollination services and foraging habitat selection and range of both managed bees and wild pollinators.

Forskning Sat, 01 Jan 2022 19:02:16 +0100 cda0c7b3-da7a-4b4c-9a59-1addea40e38f
<![CDATA[Roboter im Ackerbau - Entwicklung aus der Nische]]> Gislum, R., Jørgensen, R., Mortensen, A. K., Mikkelsen, B. Formidling Sat, 01 Jan 2022 19:02:16 +0100 1062a34f-f48c-4e6b-932d-360579d086bc <![CDATA[Seed production of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) under danish field conditions]]> Jing, S., Boelt, B. High and stable seed yield is critical for red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seed production and the commercial exploitation of the crop. A three-year experiment was conducted from 2013 to 2015 under Danish field conditions to explore the influence of precipitation during peak flowering on the seed yield of three red clover cultivars. We investigated the flowering duration and intensity based on a visual scale assessment, seed yield, and thousand seed weight in all three experimental years. In 2014 and 2015 we measured the seed yield components of floret number per flower head, seed number per flower head, and seed set. During the experimental period, high seed yields of more than 1000 kg ha−1 were obtained for the diploid cultivars ‘Rajah’ and ‘Suez’. Although a relatively high seed yield of 500 kg ha−1 was obtained in the tetraploid cultivar ‘Amos’, this was only around half of the seed yield and seed set of the diploid cultivars. Precipitation during peak flowering positively influenced the seed yield and thousand seed weight for the three cultivars. We conclude that observations of flowering phenology are required to determine the impact of environmental conditions on seed yield in red clover cultivars. Further, adequate water supply during peak flowering is important to obtain the high seed yield of red clover.

Forskning Wed, 01 Dec 2021 19:02:16 +0100 279c2766-5eba-443c-9896-6d4f793ad27c
<![CDATA[Predicting heavy metal contents by applying machine learning approaches and environmental covariates in west of Iran]]> Azizi, K., Ayoubi, S., Nabiollahi, K., Garosi, Y., Gislum, R. The cuurent study was performed to predict spatial distribution of some heavy metals (Ni, Fe, Cu, Mn) in western Iran, using environmental covariates and applying two machine learning methods comprised Random forest (RF), and Cubist. In this respect, a combination of different input environmental variables (remote sensing data, topographic attributes, thematic maps and soil properties) were used in modeling under four scenarios (I: remote sensing data (RS); II: RS + topographic attributes resulted from digital elevation model (DEM); III: RS + topographic attributes + thematic maps; IV: RS + topographic attributes + thematic maps +soil properties). The maps of Euclidean distance from mines and roads as well as the geology map have been used as thematic maps. A total of 346 soil samples were taken using stratified random sampling from the surface layers (0–20 cm depth) of the studied area and selected heavy metals (Ni, Fe, Cu, Mn), and soil properties were measured in the laboratory. RF and Cubist models were used to predict soil heavy metals in four scenarios. The results indicated that the best prediction accuracy was achieved for the fourth scenario (IV) when all input variables were combined to predict selected heavy metals. Moreover, two models showed different capability for various metals. According to our results, the random forest model had a high accuracy in predicting Ni (R2 = 0.67) and Cu (R2 = 0.60), In contrast, the Cubist model had a higher accuracy in predicting Mn (R2 = 0.55). For predicting Fe, both models provided a similar accuracy (R2 = 0.73). This study proved the high capability of machine learning methods to use easily available environmental data to predict studied heavy metals in the large scale that are essential for decision making in sustainable management in agricultural and environmental concerns.

Forskning Tue, 01 Feb 2022 19:02:16 +0100 087e8d06-c699-494a-9bcb-c3a8aedbf83c
<![CDATA[Pollination and Plant Reproductive Success of Two Ploidy Levels in Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.)]]> Jing, S., Kryger, P., Markussen, B., Boelt, B. Plant reproduction in red clover requires cross-fertilization via insect pollination. However, the influences of visitation rate and timing on maximizing ovule utilization are yet to be determined. We aimed to study the influences of visitation rate, flowering stage, and self-incompatibility on reproductive success. We applied hand and honey bee pollination in the study of eight red clover cultivars with two ploidy levels released between 1964 and 2001. In hand pollination, increasing the visitation rates (from 10 to 80 pollinated florets per flower head) increased the seed number per flower head but reduced the seed number per pollinated floret. Different flowering stages (early, middle, and full flowering) did not influence the seed number per pollinated floret significantly. There was a marked difference in reproductive success depending on the ploidy level, with 0.52 seeds per pollinated floret in diploid and 0.16 in tetraploid cultivars. During the cultivar release history, seed number per pollinated floret seemed to decrease in diploid cultivars, whereas it increased in tetraploids. In honey bee pollination, diploid cultivars had more two-seeded florets than tetraploids. Different visitation rates and the stochastic nature of pollen transfer resulted in difficulties when the plant reproductive success between hand and bee pollination was compared. A maximum of 0.27 seeds per pollinated floret were produced in hand pollination compared to the 0.34 in honey bee pollination. In spite of this, hand pollination provided a valuable method for studying the pollination biology and reproduction of red clover. Future studies may employ hand pollination to unravel further aspects of the low reproductive success with the future perspective of improving seed number per pollinated floret in tetraploid red clover.

Forskning Sun, 01 Aug 2021 19:02:16 +0200 c1d4841e-5d0c-43c3-950c-e1bd1c2266aa
<![CDATA[Assessment of grass lodging using texture and canopy height distribution features derived from UAV visual-band images]]> Tan, S., Mortensen, A. K., Ma, X., Boelt, B., Gislum, R. Forskning Fri, 01 Oct 2021 19:02:16 +0200 aadc76c7-6a70-45c9-84fa-73f683ba2927 <![CDATA[Different pollination approaches to compare the seed set of diploid and tetraploid red clover <i>Trifolium pratense </i>L.]]> Jing, S., Kryger, P., Boelt, B. In red clover seed production, low seed yield is limiting the commercial exploitation of tetraploid red clover. To explore if pollination is the limiting factor for the seed yield in tetraploid red clover, we investigated pollinator behaviour and plant reproductive success in diploid (2x) cultivar ‘Rajah' and tetraploid (4x) cultivar ‘Amos' using honey bee and hand pollination approaches. We measured the seed set at the flower head level with the increasing visitation rate of honey bees (one bee, two bees and open pollination) and pollen diversity (one and two pollen donors) of hand pollination. We found no difference in honey bee pollination behaviour (visitation rate) between the diploid and tetraploid red clover. Surprisingly, the seed set in two bees was significantly lower than that of one bee in ‘Rajah'. We suggest that honey bees prefer to visit already tripped florets or to visit fewer florets due to scent marks left by the previous honey bees. In open pollination, seed number per flower head in ‘Amos' (on average 11) was half of ‘Rajah' (on average 20). Seed set in ‘Amos' was lower than 50% of ‘Rajah' in honey bee (one bee treatment) and hand pollination (one and two pollen donors treatments). There were no differences in stigma receptivity whereas pollen viability in ‘Amos' was lower than ‘Rajah' after the peak pollen viability was reached (six days after the onset of flowering). We suggest that the fertility problems such as low pollen viability may be the reason for the low seed set in tetraploid red clover. This conclusion should be verified by investigating other fertility traits during the ovary, embryo and seed development with a broader range of diploid and tetraploid cultivars.

Forskning Tue, 01 Jun 2021 19:02:16 +0200 17829527-f0c4-4ed7-b8a1-2dce3cbd225c
<![CDATA[Data og teknologi i greenkeeperarbejdet]]> Formidling Mon, 10 May 2021 19:02:16 +0200 7fd23899-eee8-49cc-8dec-de4496d04356 <![CDATA[The Use of Remote Sensing to Determine Nitrogen Status in Perennial Ryegrass (<i>Lolium perenne</i> L.) for Seed Production]]> Gislum, R., Thomopoulos, S., Gyldengren, J. G., Mortensen, A. K., Boelt, B. Forskning Tue, 01 Jun 2021 19:02:16 +0200 681ca966-790f-4bdd-90b8-c69815cbea40 <![CDATA[Diseases in red fescue]]> Jørgensen, L. N., Madsen, H., Boelt, B. Formidling Mon, 01 Mar 2021 19:02:16 +0100 99a97759-5224-4cff-85b8-d4fa59ce42b7 <![CDATA[Review of seed yield components and pollination conditions in red clover (<i>Trifolium pratense </i>L.) seed production]]> Jing, S., Kryger, P., Boelt, B. Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important forage legume grown in many of the temperate regions around the world. In order to evaluate possible causes for the low seed yield in particular in tetraploid red clover, we surveyed 71 studies of red clover seed production published from 1948 to 2019, reviewing seed yield components, pollination and reproductive traits. Seed yield components are recorded to contribute to and improve our understanding of the complex processes leading to the red clover seed yield. However, the measurement approaches varied largely among the studies, depending on whether the seed yield components are directly measured or calculated. Red clover seed production is dependent on insect pollen transfer. However, much uncertainty of pollination and reproductive success remains. Pollination conditions were often neglected: one third of the papers did not mention pollination conditions. The information that connects pollination and seed set are lacking, very few studies measured traits in floral morphology, ovule fertilisation and seed maturation. We suggest that consistent and comprehensive evaluation of pollination and reproductive success are required to improve our understanding of reasons for the low seed yield in red clover and hence the possibilities for future improvement.

Forskning Thu, 01 Apr 2021 19:02:16 +0200 386020ce-15b5-41b3-99d0-421ec5a75f53
<![CDATA[Zinc seed priming improves spinach germination at low temperature]]> Imran, M., Mahmood, A., Neumann, G., Boelt, B. Low temperature during germination hinders germination speed and early seedling development. Zn seed priming is a useful and cost-effective tool to improve germination rate and resistance to low temperature stress during germination and early seedling development. Spinach was tested to improve germination and seedling development with Zn seed priming under low temperature stress conditions. Zn priming increased seed Zn concentration up to 48 times. The multispectral imaging technique with VideometerLab was used as a non-destructive method to differentiate unprimed, water-and Zn-primed spinach seeds successfully. Localization of Zn in the seeds was studied using the 1,5-diphenyl thiocarbazone (DTZ) dying technique. Active translocation of primed Zn in the roots of young seedlings was detected with laser confocal microscopy. Zn priming of spinach seeds at 6 mM Zn showed a significant increase in germination rate and total germination under low temperature at 8C.

Forskning Mon, 01 Mar 2021 19:02:16 +0100 7df16cc7-3d84-4121-8c28-2113b7a00fd3
<![CDATA[The Use of Multispectral Imaging and Single Seed and Bulk Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Characterize Seed Covering Structures:]]> Mortensen, A. K., Gislum, R., Jørgensen, J. R., Boelt, B. Forskning Thu, 01 Apr 2021 19:02:16 +0200 cde72739-77a2-4921-bca7-33ac0f2aee78 <![CDATA[Blomsterstriber for bier og biodiversitet]]> Nielsen, M. B., Dupont, Y. L., Boelt, B. Formidling Mon, 01 Feb 2021 19:02:16 +0100 ef9b055d-122f-4e6a-a3d4-dc81556e0b3e <![CDATA[Multispectral and X-ray images for characterization of <i>Jatropha curcas </i>L. seed quality]]> Bianchini, V. d. J. M., Mascarin, G. M., Silva, L. C. A. S., et al. Background: The use of non-destructive methods with less human interference is of great interest in agricultural industry and crop breeding. Modern imaging technologies enable the automatic visualization of multi-parameter for characterization of biological samples, reducing subjectivity and optimizing the analysis process. Furthermore, the combination of two or more imaging techniques has contributed to discovering new physicochemical tools and interpreting datasets in real time. Results: We present a new method for automatic characterization of seed quality based on the combination of multispectral and X-ray imaging technologies. We proposed an approach using X-ray images to investigate internal tissues because seed surface profile can be negatively affected, but without reaching important internal regions of seeds. An oilseed plant (Jatropha curcas) was used as a model species, which also serves as a multi-purposed crop of economic importance worldwide. Our studies included the application of a normalized canonical discriminant analyses (nCDA) algorithm as a supervised transformation building method to obtain spatial and spectral patterns on different seedlots. We developed classification models using reflectance data and X-ray classes based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The classification models, individually or combined, showed high accuracy (> 0.96) using reflectance at 940 nm and X-ray data to predict quality traits such as normal seedlings, abnormal seedlings and dead seeds. Conclusions: Multispectral and X-ray imaging have a strong relationship with seed physiological performance. Reflectance at 940 nm and X-ray data can efficiently predict seed quality attributes. These techniques can be alternative methods for rapid, efficient, sustainable and non-destructive characterization of seed quality in the future, overcoming the intrinsic subjectivity of the conventional seed quality analysis.

Forskning Fri, 01 Jan 2021 19:02:16 +0100 e7edf717-682d-4340-9605-86552966cc2b
<![CDATA[Vurdering af blomsterstribers værdi for bier]]> Nielsen, M. B., Dupont, Y. L., Boelt, B. Formidling Mon, 01 Feb 2021 19:02:16 +0100 f168130b-d7e9-4715-bb04-1974699a25c8 <![CDATA[Robust Species Distribution Mapping of Crop Mixtures Using Color Images and Convolutional Neural Networks]]> Skovsen, S. K., Laursen, M. S., Kristensen, R. K., et al. Forskning Fri, 01 Jan 2021 19:02:16 +0100 4ccd3a97-2dde-438b-ad04-22186169e395 <![CDATA[A simulation of variable rate nitrogen application in winter wheat with soil and sensor information - An economic feasibility study]]> Pedersen, M. F., Gyldengren, J. G., Pedersen, S. M., Diamantopoulos, E., Gislum, R., Styczen, M. . E. CONTEXT: Variable rate nitrogen (N) management strategies are often based on information about soil texture or information from canopy sensors, mounted on ground-based vehicles or satellites. However, disentangling the effect of each information type on N management strategy with experimental studies is often difficult, as results are only valid for the specific experimental conditions as well as the weather conditions for specific years. An alternative to this is to use deterministic crop growth models to generate a wider range of weather x treatment combinations. OBJECTIVE: This study examines if ‘static’ soil profile information or ‘dynamic’ canopy sensor type information provide a better basis for decision making concerning N-application at the subfield level. METHODS: The DAISY model was used to simulate crop growth in a five-year crop rotation on six soil profiles found in a heterogeneous sandy loam field. A range of management descriptions and simulations were made using 5 × 500 years of synthetic weather data with each crop in a five-year rotation set at the first year of the five parallel simulations. Simulated growth variables were used as proxies for a ‘dynamic’ canopy sensor information system. The differential gross margin was then calculated for a range of price relations between fertilizer (model input) and wheat yield (model output), including wheat price adjustments according to protein content. From regressions and backward induction analysis, the N application that maximizes the expected grain revenue minus fertilizer expenditure was estimated for four information cases; Case 1) Uniform application, assuming no prior information, Case 2) application based on soil type information, Case 3) application based on canopy sensor information and Case 4) application based on combined soil and canopy sensor information. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this study indicated that decisions with soil information alone provide an annual differential gross margin of variable rate application (without considering cost of information and technology) between 3.88 and 13.30 € ha −1 across price and soil variation. This margin approximately doubled with applications based on canopy sensor information and further doubled again with applications based on both soil and canopy sensor information. SIGNIFICANCE: Thus, knowledge of the soil has the potential to improve interpretation of sensor signals for fertilization planning. The results may guide developers to decide on what type of information should be included in their decision support systems.

Forskning Sun, 01 Aug 2021 19:02:16 +0200 fc64d6ec-0c0b-47ce-a32e-fcf34ba6cd98
<![CDATA[Skader det at vækstregulere, når det er tørt?]]> Topbjerg, H. B., Boelt, B. Formidling Wed, 01 Apr 2020 19:02:16 +0200 b33da1b2-427d-43bf-be5a-12f8f147ff60 <![CDATA[Så meget af det tilførte N fjerner frøafgrøden]]> Gislum, R. Formidling Thu, 01 Oct 2020 19:02:16 +0200 5f83f2ac-ed06-4778-bbf3-93ed4e860dcd <![CDATA[Seed germination and seedling growth parameters in nine tall fescue varieties under salinity stress]]> Shiade, S. R. G., Boelt, B. To assess seed germination parameters and identifying tolerant varieties, seeds of nine tall fescue varieties (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) were germinated under various salinity levels for 14 days. Tall fescue is considered ‘moderately tolerant’ to salinity stress, but our study revealed a remarkable diversity among the tested varieties. Armani, Essential, Fatcat, and Starlett were found to reach the same final germination (>90%), irrespective of NaCl concentration up to 15 ds m−1 NaCl; Asterix and Meandre expressed lower germination under the highest salinity level (>75%); and final germination decreased in Eyecandy, Rhizing star, and Thomahawk gradually with increasing salinity (>55%). The main effect of increasing salinity was a delay in germination, and our study suggests that the recording of final germination, which is performed on day-14 in a standard germination test, should be postponed in order to understand the full effect of salinity on germination potential. Nonetheless, a delay in germination will affect turf quality negatively and hence there is good reason to test for salinity tolerance when choosing a variety for sowing on saline soil. Further, our findings indicate a future perspective for breeding for improved salinity tolerance in tall fescue by the identification of salinity-tolerant breeding lines or varieties.

Forskning Sat, 01 Aug 2020 19:02:16 +0200 39cae8d4-fbf1-48b4-9857-2cc0226c57a4
<![CDATA[Field scale agronomic and environmental consequences of overlapping Nfertilizer application by disc spreaders]]> Gyldengren, J. G., Greve, M. B., Skou-Nielsen, N., Olesen, J. E., Gislum, R. Forskning Tue, 01 Sep 2020 19:02:16 +0200 a69ff2ca-df0c-4fb0-9fab-8dad447103df <![CDATA[Arbuscular mycorrhiza influences carbon-use efficiency and grain yield of wheat grown under pre- and post-anthesis salinity stress]]> Eroglu, C. G., Cabral, C., Ravnskov, S., Topbjerg, H. B., Wollenweber, B. Soil salinity severely affects and constrains crop production worldwide. Salinity causes osmotic and ionic stress, inhibiting gas exchange and photosynthesis, ultimately impairing plant growth and development. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) have been shown to maintain light and carbon use efficiency under stress, possibly providing a tool to improve salinity tolerance of the host plants. Thus, it was hypothesized that AM will contribute to improved growth and yield under stress conditions. Wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown with (AMF+) or without (AMF−) arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation. Plants were subjected to salinity stress (200 mm NaCl) either at pre- or post-anthesis or at both stages. Growth and yield components, leaf chlorophyll content as well as gas exchange parameters and AMF colonization were analysed. AM plants exhibited a higher rate of net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance and lower intrinsic water use efficiency. Furthermore, AM wheat plants subjected to salinity stress at both pre-anthesis and post-anthesis maintained higher grain yield than non-AM salinity-stressed plants. These results suggest that AMF inoculation mitigates the negative effects of salinity stress by influencing carbon use efficiency and maintaining higher grain yield under stress.

Forskning Tue, 01 Sep 2020 19:02:16 +0200 c9b8f668-8988-43d8-9391-74e8e5b6d9c4
<![CDATA[Effects of winter wheat N status on assimilate and N partitioning in the mechanistic agroecosystem model DAISY]]> Gyldengren, J. G., Abrahamsen, P., Olesen, J. E., Styczen, M., Hansen, S., Gislum, R. Forskning Tue, 01 Dec 2020 19:02:16 +0100 e3881038-cb42-4d38-9452-70530338b694 <![CDATA[Fungicide application improves seed yield of perennial ryegrass upon infection with stem and crown rust fungi]]> Rodriguez-Algaba, J., Boelt, B., Matzen, N., Jørgensen, L. N. Rust epidemics may have detrimental effects on seed yield in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Field trials comprising two cultivars of perennial ryegrass were established to evaluate the impact of stem rust (Puccinia graminis subsp. graminicola) and crown rust (Puccinia coronata f.sp. lolii) on seed yields. Two or three applications of a mixture of fungicides (epoxiconazole plus boscalid mixed with pyraclostrobin) provided effective control of both stem rust and crown rust and positive seed yield responses, although differences were observed between cultivars. For stem rust, two fungicide applications led to variable levels of disease control (from 86% to 100% for cv. Esquire and from 15% to 98% for cv. Calibra), whereas three applications resulted in 100% disease control in both cultivars. Two fungicide applications were sufficient for an appropriate control of crown rust on both cultivars (approx. 98–100% disease control). Generally, two fungicide applications resulted in an increase in seed yield for both cultivars. On average, an increment of 4% and 15% was observed in Esquire and Calibra equivalent to 86 kg/ha and 352 kg/ha, respectively. Three fungicide applications provided an increase of 2% and 17% in Esquire and Calibra equivalent to 45 kg/ha and 434 kg/ha, respectively. Significant differences were only observed in Calibra after two or three fungicide applications. Additionally, results from semi-open field trials testing for preventive and curative effects showed that tebuconazole, pyraclostrobin, picoxystrobin, azoxystrobin, and a mixture of epoxiconazole, pyraclostrobin, and boscalid fungicides resulted in high efficacy in reducing stem rust occurrence, the latter resulted in the largest preventive and curative effect. Experiences from field and semi-open field trials indicated that fungicide mixtures with contrasting modes of actions, e.g., triazoles, strobilurins, and SDHIs, and applied close to the time of inoculation provided an effective control of rust fungi and increased seed yield in perennial ryegrass.

Forskning Wed, 01 Jan 2020 19:02:16 +0100 70b4444a-a8d8-42b6-8adb-bddb51468766
<![CDATA[Variation of seed oil content, oil yield, and fatty acids profile in Iranian <i>Nigella sativa</i> L. landraces]]> Kiani, M., Alahdadi, I., Soltani, E., Boelt, B., Benakashani, F. Since there are several diverse landraces across Iran, screening the landraces with high production may lead to finding superior genotype(s) for the future conventional breeding programs. Thus, the aims of this study was to investigate the variation of oil content, yield, and profile of fatty acids in Iranian landraces of Nigella sativa L. Seed yield, oil content and oil yield significantly differed among landraces. The highest seed and oil yields were obtained from Semirom (1250 and 332 kg ha−1). Twelve different fatty acids were detected. Linoleic acid (18:2) had the highest concentration in oil of N. sativa landraces with a range of 48–55 %. After linoleic acid, oleic (18:2) and palmitic (16:0) acids, with an average of 22 and 13 %, accounted for the highest percentage of seed oil compared with the other fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids (∑SFA) was significantly different among the landraces and included 19–22 % and 21–24 % of total fatty acids. Double bond index (DBI) was significantly different among landraces and ranged between 136.5–145.3 in 2018 and 127.5–134.5 in 2019. The Gardmiran landrace had the highest Iodine value (IV) (111.7, an average of two years) and Khaf landrace had the lowest IV (105.7, in average of two years) compared with the other landraces. Cluster analysis indicated that the landraces can be divided into three groups; (1) high yield (>1000 kg ha-1 seeds and >250 kg ha−1 oil), (2) medium yield (700–1000 kg ha−1 seeds and 190–250 kg ha−1 oil), and low yield (<700 kg ha−1 seeds and <190 kg ha−1 oil) landraces. Iranian landraces were similar in fatty acid compositions and conventional breeding methods may not be a good choice to improve a special fatty acid. However, a large variations existed in seed and oil yield among the landraces for the future conventional breeding programs.

Forskning Wed, 01 Jan 2020 19:02:16 +0100 cab7ec63-1cae-4549-88d2-6c21982bb647
<![CDATA[En fælles front for vilde bier og honningbier]]> Dupont, Y. L., Bang Madsen, H., Rasmussen, C., et al. Formidling Thu, 29 Aug 2019 19:02:16 +0200 ca13989e-e673-449c-abfe-b4faff8713e6 <![CDATA[En fælles front for vilde bier og honningbier]]> Dupont, Y. L., Bang Madsen, H., Rasmussen, C., et al. Formidling Thu, 29 Aug 2019 19:02:16 +0200 453e1f42-3f44-4715-b1bf-334babfde412 <![CDATA[En fælles front for vilde bier og honningbier]]> Dupont, Y. L., Bang Madsen, H., Rasmussen, C., et al. Formidling Sun, 01 Sep 2019 19:02:16 +0200 4c127707-27e8-447f-bacc-49c45b809e93 <![CDATA[Red bierne – mens tid er]]> Dupont, Y. L., Bang Madsen, H., Rasmussen, C., et al. Formidling Tue, 01 Jan 2019 19:02:16 +0100 adbe7f47-fbff-49e9-8c32-eca2f2eb2e8f <![CDATA[22 forskere: Danmark har brug for en national strategi for bestøvere]]> Dupont, Y. L., Bang Madsen, H., Rasmussen, C., et al. Formidling Mon, 14 Oct 2019 19:02:16 +0200 95ef501c-4187-448d-817e-3a1872f3da7f <![CDATA[En fælles front for alle bier]]> Dupont, Y. L., Bang Madsen, H., Rasmussen, C., et al. Formidling Tue, 01 Jan 2019 19:02:16 +0100 c8b9032b-c987-4617-9d59-bc1e51d99ba8 <![CDATA[Vi må redde bierne - mens tid er]]> Dupont, Y. L., Bang Madsen, H., Rasmussen, C., et al. Formidling Sat, 24 Aug 2019 19:02:16 +0200 2d4abf6a-c846-455c-8ffa-9e36e532b877 <![CDATA[Expression of starch-binding factor CBM20 in barley plastids controls the number of starch granules and the level of CO2 fixation]]> Zhong, Y., Sagnelli, D., Topbjerg, H. B., et al. The biosynthesis of starch granules in plant plastids is coordinated by the orchestrated action of transferases, hydrolases, and dikinases. These enzymes either contain starch-binding domain(s) themselves, or are dependent on direct interactions with co-factors containing starch-binding domains. As a means to competitively interfere with existing starch-protein interactions, we expressed the protein module Carbohydrate-Binding Motif 20 (CBM20), which has a very high affinity for starch, ectopically in barley plastids. This interference resulted in an increase in the number of starch granules in chloroplasts and in formation of compound starch granules in grain amyloplasts, which is unusual for barley. More importantly, we observed a photosystem-independent inhibition of CO2 fixation, with a subsequent reduced growth rate and lower accumulation of carbohydrates with effects throughout the metabolome, including lower accumulation of transient leaf starch. Our results demonstrate the importance of endogenous starch-protein interactions for controlling starch granule morphology and number, and plant growth, as substantiated by a metabolic link between starch-protein interactions and control of CO2 fixation in chloroplasts.

Forskning Wed, 01 Jan 2020 19:02:16 +0100 e72c522f-531b-4f8d-b409-5c9457eb3bb2
<![CDATA[Changes in spatiotemporal protein and amino acid gradients in wheat caryopsis after N-topdressing]]> Zhong, Y., Vidkjær, N. H., Massange-Sanchez, J. A., et al. Wheat grain nitrogen content displays large variations within different pearling fractions of grains because of radial gradients in the protein content. We identified how spatiotemporal mechanisms regulate this. The protein gradients emerged clearly at 19 days after anthesis, with the highest N content in aleurone and seed coat, followed by outer endosperm, whereas the lowest was in middle and inner endosperm. Laser microdissection, qRT-PCR and LC–MS were used to dissect tissue from aleurone, outer endosperm, middle endosperm, inner endosperm and transfer cells, measure gene expression and levels of free and protein-bound amino acids, respectively. The results showed that different FAA transportation pathways worked in parallel during grain filling stage while the grain protein gradient did not follow spatial expression of storage proteins. Additionally, two nitrogen (N) topdressing timings were conducted, either at the emergence of top third leaf (standard timing) or top first leaf (delayed timing), finding that delayed N topdressing enhanced both amino acids supply and protein synthesis capacity. The results provide insight into protein synthesis and amino acid transport pathways in endosperm and suggest targets for the enhancement of specialty pearled wheat with higher quality.

Forskning Wed, 01 Jan 2020 19:02:16 +0100 72280167-3826-47a5-942e-5f800190683e