Videos of keynote presentations

EMCRF Introduction

(by James Brown and Mogens Hovmøller)

Session 1 Global landscapes of cereal rust and powdery mildew fungi/

Keynote: Worldwide spread of wheat yellow rust from the centre of diversity in Himalayas
(by Sajid Ali)

Session 2 Population biology and epidemiology

Keynote: Research progress on the role of sexual hosts for wheat rust epidemiology in China
(by Zhensheng Kang)

Session 3 Cell and molecular biology and genomics

Keynote: Fighting on many fronts – effector-assisted breeding for multiple pathogens
(by Richard Oliver)

Session 4 Plant breeding and resistance genetics

Keynote: Second-generation biotech approaches for durable disease resistance in cereals
(by Patrick Schweizer)

Session 5 Multiple disease management

Keynote: Integrated management of biotrophs and necrotrophs
(by Neil Paveley)

Keynote: How can we achieve resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic diseases simultaneously?
(by James Brown)