Field nurseries

About the Field Nurseries

Approximately 250 winter wheat varieties and breeding lines were tested for susceptibility to novel emerging races of yellow rust (YR), leaf rust (LR) and stem rust (SR) under field conditions in both 2019 and 2020. The nurseries were conducted in DK (AU), UK (NIAB), DE (JKI), IT (AS.A.R), FR (ARVALIS) and at three locations of the breeders' network in DE (BREUN), SW (LANTMÄNNEN) and UK (RAGT). The methodology used for this is described in the milestone report M3.13 ‘Sharing protocols between partners for evaluating adult plant resistance of varieties and breeding lines to rust diseases under field conditions’.

The results of the 2019 and 2020 field nurseries are published in two separate reports. The 2020 data were analysed using the Field Nursery Data Management System (FNDMS), a collaborative effort between WP3 and WP4. This system, stores the data, do quality control, analyses and visualises the data.

Below you will find output visualisation tools from the Field Nursery Data Management System and finally links to reports and the user guide and documentation report about proper use of the tools.

Summary results as severity scores across cultivars by disease, year, locations and seed provider

Cultivar map with severity scores by disease, year, seed provider and cultivar

Disease pressure by environment


Dr. Kerstin Flat, Lead of WP3 in RustWatch

Dr. Kerstin Flath

Tel: +49 (0)33203 48 236
Fax: +49 (0)33203 48 425

Julius Kühn-Institut
Stahnsdorfer Damm 81
14532 Kleinmachnow