Late blight fungicide table

Updated 22 July 2024 2022

The effectiveness of fungicide products/co-formulations for the control of P. infestans based on the highest rate registered in Europe. These ratings are the opinion of the Control strategies Sub-Group at the EuroBlight workshop, May 2024 and are based on field experiments and experience of the products performance when used in commercial conditions.

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Ratings for leaf blight is based on results from Euroblight field trials during 2006-2015, and only compounds included in these trials are rated for leaf blight. The scale for leaf blight is a 2-5 scale (see technical report: Fungicide evaluation to rate efficacy to control leaf late blight for the Euroblight table. Results 2006 - 2018 click here. All other ratings are 1-3 scale indicated by a combination of full (1) and half (½) orange colored dots:

Key to ratings: 0 = no effect ; = reasonable effect ; = good effect ; = very good effect; Blank = no rating.

Ratings for tuber blight are based on results from EuroBlight field trials during 2009-2018, and only compounds included in these trials are rated for tuber blight. The scale for tuber blight is a 0-5 scale (see technical report: Fungicide evaluation to rate efficacy to control tuber blight for the Euroblight table. Results 2009-2018).

Please find the Efficacy ratings of fungicides for the control of early blight caused by Alternaria solani and Alternaria alternata here.

Ratings can be lower where resistant isolates are present, depending on their frequency and the mechanism of resistance, leading to variable impact on product efficacy. Resistance management strategies should always be implemented as part of an Integrated Disease Management, regardless of the absence or presence of resistance. Please refer to the FRAC-website for the corresponding resistance management guidelines.


There are few products with decimal ratings for tuber blight control compared with earlier subjective ratings. These 0 to +++ ratings can be obtained from the previous workshop proceedings.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate, no liability can be accepted for any error or omission in the content of the tables or for any loss, damage or other accident arising from the use of the fungicides listed herein. Omission of a fungicide does not necessarily mean that it is not approved for use within one or more EU countries.

The ratings are based on the label recommendation for a particular product. Where the disease pressure is low, intervals between spray applications may be extended and, in some countries, fungicide applications are made in response to nationally issued spray warnings and/or Decision Support Systems. It is essential therefore to follow the instructions given on the approved label of a particular blight fungicide appropriate to the country of use before handling, storing or using any blight fungicide or other crop protection product.