19th EuroBlight Workshop 13-16 May, 2024 in the Netherlands

The 19th EuroBlight workshop will be held at the conference centre “de Werelt” in Lunteren, the Netherlands. De Werelt is located on the edge of the most beautiful nature reserve in the Netherlands, “de Veluwe”.

Lunteren, the Netherlands

The 19th EuroBlight workshop will be held at the conference centre “de Werelt” in Lunteren, the Netherlands. De Werelt is located on the edge of the most beautiful nature reserve in the Netherlands, “de Veluwe”! Let the biggest forest area in the Netherlands inspire you to share, discuss, connect and innovate!

Local host is Wageningen Research (WR), contact Geert Kessel.

There will be a maximum of 100 participants. Participants offering an oral or poster presentation will be prioritized. Early career scientists are especially encouraged to participate!

The workshop will start on the evening of Monday 13th May with our traditional welcome drinks and appetisers at the venue in Lunteren.

Presentations will be grouped in five plenary sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday morning and the workshop will split into three subgroups on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Subgroup sessions  will include short presentations but will also discuss new research questions, protocols, trial plans, communication activities and new collaborative initiatives or research proposals.

Scope of the workshop

Important themes for the workshop in the Netherlands will be:

  1. Integrated (IPM/ICM) control strategies exploiting knowledge of the host, the pathogens, and their interactions, for improved control strategies meeting the F2F requirements.

  2. Breeding for host resistance: status, goals, current and future possibilities, obstacles and outlook.

  3. Fungicide efficacy: resistance avoidance strategies and use of alternative products to sustainably control late blight and early blight.

  4. Precision agriculture, monitoring and decision support - success stories, available tools, outlook, obstacles and how to tackle them.

  5. Global issues:

  • Short reports from EuroBlight’s sister networks       

  • How can a global view of host and pathogen information help to develop and promote IPM/ICM solutions for individual farmers?

More information here