In memoriam, Serge Duvauchelle

Serge Duvauchelle, a founding member of Euroblight and active contributor for many years, passed away peacefully on August 12.2024, aged 76.

Serge Duvauchelle, a founding member of Euroblight and active contributor for many years, passed away peacefully on August 12.2024. Serge was the head of the Plant Protection service in Northern France when he joined EU.NET.ICP, the forerunner project of Euroblight. As part of his duties, he had been developing and operating the French warning system for potato late blight, first using the Guntz- Divoux model and later developing and constantly inproving the MilSol model, which nowadays forms the basis of the Mileos DSS.

Serge brought to EuroBlight his wide field expertise, his deep knowledge of potato health management, and his constant enthusiasm. A talkative, easy communicator, he made many efforts to improve his fluency in English and deliver talks, participate in discussions and cooperate in projects within the network. He was the local organiser of the Arras workshop - a meeting that participants will probably never forget. He remained active within Euroblight for several years after he retired, and attended further meetings together with his beloved wife Monique.

Serge was passionnate about potatoes (besides EuroBlight, Serge was an active member and contributor to the European Association for Potato Research, and notably its Plant Pathology section), but also about his home region of northern France and his family and friends. A true Epicurian, he always knew how to look at the bright side of life, and how to make it more enjoyable for everyone around. With his passing, we lose a great extension plant pathologist, a brilliant potato expert, and a most charming person and friend. We will miss him dearly.

Didier Andrivon, 20 August 2024