Proceedings of the EuroBlight Workshop Limassol, Cyprus 12-15 May 2013
A majority of the presentations and posters presented at the Workshop and discussions in the subgroups are published in this Proceedings, PPO-Special Report no. 16. The current and previous Proceedings are also available on the EuroBlight website as well as the single papers.

EuroBlight Workshop Limassol, Cyprus 12-15 May 2013
A European network of scientists and other specialists working on potato early and late blight meet every 18 months. The 14th Workshop was hosted by the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol, Cyprus. The Workshop was attended by 94 persons from 16 European countries, Russia, Chile, Argentina, China and Israel. Representatives from all countries presented the late blight epidemic in 2012 and recent research results regarding integrated control, decision support systems, resistance of varieties, late blight in organic potatoes and population biology of the late blight pathogen. Since early blight is an increasing problem in Europe reports on this disease are also included.
The papers and posters presented at the Workshop and discussions in the subgroups are published in these Proceedings, PPO-Special Report no. 16. The current and previous Proceedings are also available on the EuroBlight website .
Download the proceedings in Low Resolution (8 MB) or High resolution (25 MB)
EuroBlight Coordinators:
- Alison Lees, Scottish Crop Research Institute (UK)
- Jens G. Hansen, Aarhus University (DK)
- Huub Schepers, Wageningen University (NL)
For further information please contact the network secretariat where also additional copies of this Proceedings can be ordered.
Secretariat: PPO-AGV Lelystad
Att. H. Schepers
PO Box 430, NL-8200 AK Lelystad
The Netherlands
Telephone: + 31 320 291111
Telefax: + 31 320 230479