M2 - DSS and control strategies

Meeting 2

Date: 23 March 2021, 13-16.30 UTC+1, Central Europe time.

Title: New control strategies in the context of the EU Green deal - Farm to Fork strategy.

Responsible: Geert Kessel, Pete Skelsey, Jens G. Hansen, Erland Liljeroth and Didier Andrivon.

Discussion points: Slowly but surely, DSSs and Precision agriculture are claiming their place in modern agriculture. Integrated pest and disease management (IPM) is becoming mandatory with the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy. How can EuroBlight and other relevant stakeholders contribute to this transition? Can we organise a European potato demonstration-farms network - to demonstrate technologies that facilitate the adoption of the Farm to Fork strategy?

Contact: Geert Kessel, Wageningen University & Research


Part I 13:00 – 14:41

Opening (Jens G. Hansen, 5 min)

Introduction of F2F (Geert Kessel, and Albert Schirring 5 min)

Presentations (Group, 8 min. max)

Discussion 15 min

Presentations (8 min. max)

  • Stakeholder engagement for early warning and control of late blight in Denmark / Jens Grønbech Hansen, Aarhus University

  • Management of late blight using Indo-Blightcast and dsRNA based fungicide / Sanjeev Sharma, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla (HP), India

  • Novel Management strategies for potato late blight: dsRNA as  a novel plant protection for the management of late blight in potato / Sundaresha Siddappa, Central Potato Research Institute, India

Discussion 15 min

Part II 15 – 16:30

Presentations (10 min max):

Discussion (~12 minutes / topic)

Components of future control strategies for LB & EB control

  • Resistant varieties

  • DSS & Precision Agriculture

  • Pathogen monitoring

  • Demo-farms with Euroblight involvement

Resistant potato varieties, creation, availability, time frames, life span, barriers for introduction

Legislation versus free market mechanism

  • What (political) actions are required to facilitate transition?

What can science do /contribute?

  • Model LB system at European level and eg 10 yr time frame

  • Pre-breeding resistant potato clones

  • EU infrastructure project, control strategies, demo farms, breeding, monitoring, dss, PA technology, ...

  • EU call calendar: September 2021, ...

  • How do we involve chain actors / stakeholders?