Oral Presentations
Hansen JG & Abuley IK. New variants of the late blight pathogen - What does it mean for practice? Danish Potato Workshop 2022. Horison Hotel & Conference Centre, 8 December 2022
Isaac Kwesi Abuley, Nicole Belle, James Lynott, Britt Puidet, Marjo Hokka, Jens Grønbech Hansen, Riina Lukkala, Juha Mäenpää, Hans Hausladen, Poul Lassen, Mati Kopel, Sabine Ravskov, Alison Lees. Management of late blight and early blight in potatoes by integrating biological control agents, host resistance, and fungicides. Presentation at the EAPR Pathology Section Meeting on 3-6 September 2022 at Arras, France
Abuley, IK & Hansen JG (2022). Trap Nursery Data Management. Presentation at the 19th EuroBlight Workshop on 19-12 May, 2024 in Ascona, Switzerland.
Hausladen H., Lukkala R, Koppel M., Abuley I. (2024). ECOSOL IPM approaches for the control of early blight. Presentation at the 20th EuroBlight Workshop on 13-16 May, 2024 at deWerelt, the Netherlands. https://agro.au.dk/fileadmin/euroblight/Workshops/Netherlands/Presentations/Session_4/6_EUROBLIGHT__ECOSOL_15-05-2024.pdf
Lynott, J., Lees, A, Cooke, D, Hansen, JG, Abuley, IK, Lassen, P, Hausladen, H, Belle, N, Koppel, M, Puidet, B, Hokka, M, Lukkala, R. (2024). ECOSOL IPM approaches for the control of late blight. Presentation at the 20th EuroBlight Workshop on 13-16 May 2024 at deWerelt, the Netherlands. https://agro.au.dk/fileadmin/euroblight/Workshops/Netherlands/Presentations/Session5_Control/7_JamesLynott_Euroblight_2024.pdf
Hansen, JG & Abuley IK (2024). The history of EU43 and resistance to mandipropamid in Denmark. Presentation at the 20th EuroBlight Workshop on 13-16 May 2024 at deWerelt, the Netherlands. https://agro.au.dk/fileadmin/euroblight/Workshops/Netherlands/Presentations/Session_1/5_EuroBlight_JGH.pdf
Poster presentations
Abuley, IK & Hansen, JG, 2023. Integrating Biological control agents and Plant-resistant inducers into IPM strategies to control potato late blight. Poster presentation at Plant Biologicals Network Symposium on 17 November, 2022.
Growers’ Journals/Magasin
Abuley, I. K., Hansen, J. G., & Hartvig, P. (2022). Biologisk bekæmpelse af kartoffelskimmel. Dansk Kartoffelstivelse, 2022(1), 8-11.
Abuley, IK & Hansen, JG 2023, 'Behov for at tænke nyt i kamp mod kartoffelskimmel', Magasinet Danske Kartofler, vol. 2023, no. 2, pp. 12-14.
Abuley, IK & Hansen, JG 2023, 'Nyt samarbejde skal forebygge og bekæmpe udvikling af fungicid resistens', Magasinet Danske Kartofler, vol. 2023, no. 1, 1, pp. 20-21.
Hansen, JG & Abuley, IK 2024, 'Skimmeltyper 2023 – og hvad kan vi forvente i 2024', Magasinet Danske Kartofler, vol. 2024, no. 2, Maj pp. 14-18.
Peer-reviewed (National Journal)
Abuley, IK & Hansen, JG (2023), Integrating biological control agents and plant resistance inducers into IPM strategies to control potato early blight and late blight. in LN Jørgensen, TM Heick, IK Abuley, P Kudsk & AH Kemezys (eds), Applied Crop Protection 2022. vol. 216, DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, DCA rapport, no. 216, pp. 80-88. https://pure.au.dk/ws/portalfiles/portal/322081844/Kap_VI_Integrating_biological_control_agents_and_plant_resistance_inducers_into_IPM_strategies_to_control_potato_early_blight_and_late_blight.pdf
Abuley, IK & Hansen, JG (2024) Eco-friendly management of late blight in potatoes. Accepted for publication in “Applied Crop Protection” 2024, DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, DCA rapport, no. 226, pp. 79-85. https://pure.au.dk/ws/portalfiles/portal/384608135/Kap_VII_Eco-friendly_management_of_late_blight_in_potatoes.pdf
Peer-reviewed (Internation Journal)
Abuley, IK, Lynott, JS, Hansen, JG, Cooke, DEL & Lees, AK (2023), The EU43 genotype of Phytophthora infestans displays resistance to mandipropamid, Plant Pathology, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 1305-1313. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppa.13737
Marian Põldmets, Mati Koppel, Britt Buidet, James Lynott, Alison Lees, Isaac K. Abuley, Jens G. Hansen, Hans Hausladen (2024). Combatting Potato Late Blight Through Biocontrol Agents and Plant Resistance Inducers. In preparation
Other publications
Hansen JG, Kessel G. & Lees A. EuroBlight statement from the 19th EuroBlight Workshop Ascona (CH), 10-12 May 2022 - ‘Fostering the sustainable management of early and late blight in potato’. Outcome, the 19th EuroBlight Workshop on 19-12 May, 2024 in Ascona, Switzerland. https://agro.au.dk/fileadmin/euroblight/About/EuroBlight_Statement_2022_V3.pdf