Aarhus Universitets segl

START Konference: Green Minds Gather

Deltag i en udfordringsfokuseret konference om forskningsbaserede løsninger til at accelerere den grønne omstilling af agrofødevaresystemer.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


tirsdag 29. april 2025, kl. 00:00 - onsdag 30. april 2025, kl. 00:00

Challenges, opportunities and visions in a transitioning agrifood sector

The Center for Sustainable Agrifood Systems, Novo Nordisk Foundation and Copenhagen Business School welcomes you to Green Minds Gather to further the dialogue and start hacking the key challenges of the agrifood sector.

We bring together 500 key stakeholders; Danish and international researchers, practitioners from the agrifood industry and policymakers from Denmark and the EU and we invite all academic disciplines to collaborate in addressing the current challenges, shaping key questions, and expanding our vision for the future.

Through high-level keynotes, panels, workshops, poster sessions, demonstrations and networking activities, the conference will foster active engagement and in-depth discussions on the challenges and potential solutions.

Read more here.