Aarhus University Seal

Michael Kristensen


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Michael Kristensen

Areas of expertise

  • Pest management
  • IPM
  • Insecticide resistance & toxicology
  • DNA barcoding
  • Houseflies and Culicoides

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


My research covers insect pest management and biology with focus on IPM to reduce the reliance on insecticides. Projects has investigated the molecular background of insecticide resistance in eg. houseflies, cockroaches, bed bugs and pollen beetles. Other topics are DNA barcoding for species identification, biodiversity and pest-plant interactions with special attention on white clover seed production and weevil pests.


I advise the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in connection with effectiveness assessments of biocides and pesticides and the Danish Agency for Agriculture in the context 0f insect pests and invasive insect species.

Selected publications

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