Aarhus University Seal


The Department of Agroecology carry out basic, strategic and applied research in issues regarding the interaction between climate, soil, plants, animals and people in agro-ecosystems with a focus on promoting health, sustainability and environmentally friendly production of food, feed, energy and bio-based products. We contribute to sustainable production and growth through research, consulting and teaching.

Our vision is to remain among the elite of research institutions dealing with agro-ecosystems, and will create, develop and translate cutting-edge knowledge to advance the bioeconomy of the community nationally as well as internationally.

The department consists of eight research sections, unique research, field and laboratory facilities as well as a secretariat.

There are around 270 employees - of which approx. 50 percent are scientific staff. The Department of Agroecology has three research stations and a large staff group responsible for the operation and maintenance of the research activities.

The employees have competences in the disciplines of soil fertility, plant pathology, genetics, crop health, biotechnology, nutrients, agricultural systems, soil physics, climate, environment, water systems, sustainability, green transition, bioeconomy, entomology and hydropedology. In addition, competences in laboratories and the fields.

The Institute contributes significantly to the educational programs Bachelor in Plant and Food Science, Master of Agrobiology, Master of Agrobiology - Organic Agriculture and Food Systems and Erasmus Mundus International Master of Soils and Global Change.