The strategy for the Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University (2023-2025) focuses on supporting the green transition of agriculture through research, innovation, education, policy support, business collaboration, and communication to society.
The vision is to strengthen the departments position as an internationally recognised research environment and solve global and local sustainability challenges related to food production, energy and biomaterials.
The strategy includes eight focus areas:
Low carbon footprint farming: Development of sustainable technologies and systems based on agroecological principles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption.
Climate resilient cropping systems: Research in robust cropping systems that can adapt to climate change and extreme weather conditions.
Low pesticide-input farming: Development of alternative approaches to plant protection and management at field and landscape level to reduce the use of chemical pesticides.
Low nutrient emission farming: More efficient nutrient cycles and technologies to minimise the discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus to the aquatic environment and groundwater.
Maintaining and improving soil quality: Research into soil functions, biodiversity and sustainable tillage to preserve and improve soil quality.
Sustainable digital-based farming: Use of sensors, artificial intelligence and robotics to develop sustainable crop and cultivation systems.
Farming for biodiversity: Increased focus on biodiversity in the cultivated landscape and the benefits of biodiversity for agricultural and food production.
Plant-based food: Development and cultivation of plant-based food systems with low environmental and climate footprint.
The Department of Agroecology conducts free and independent research, provides policy support, contributes to student education and collaborates with industry. The department also emphasises talent development, career and skills development, and a sustainable and inclusive work environment with a focus on diversity and gender equality.