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Tiffanie Faye Stone



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Tiffanie Faye Stone

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Tiffanie F. Stone has a PhD in Environmental Science and her research is focused on sustainable food systems and agroecology in the context of the green transition. Her work includes developing assessments and models of the environmental and social impacts of food system scenarios to support effective decision-making across multiple objectives using quantitative and qualitative approaches. She has expertise in food system life cycle assessment and cooperative learning approaches.


Stone, T. F., Huckins, E. L., Hornbuckle, E. C., Thompson, J. R.& Dentzman, K. (2024). Equity and resilience in local urban food systems: A case study. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-024-10551-w

Stone, T. F., Thompon, J. R., Zimmerman, E., Brighenti, T., & Liebman, M. (2024). What would it look like? Visualizing a future US Corn Belt landscape with more table food production. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 39, e5. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170524000024

Dorneich, M. C., Krejci, C. C., Schwab, N., Stone, T. F., Huckins, E., Thompson, J. R., & Passe, U. (2023). Producer and consumer perspectives on supporting and diversifying local food systems in central Iowa. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-21. https://doi.org/1007/s10460-023-10504-9

Stone, T. F., Dickey, L. C., Summers, H., Thompson, J. R., Rehmann, C. R., Zimmerman, E., & Tyndall, J. (2023). A systematic review of social equity in FEWS analyses. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, 371. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2023.1028306

Stone, T. F., Thompson, J. R., Rosentrater, K. A., & Liebman M. (2023). Modeling a Localized Metropolitan Food System in the Midwest USA: Life Cycle Impacts of Scenarios for Des Moines, Iowa. Science of the Total Environment, 865:15065. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161095

Brighenti, T. M., F. Stone, P. W. Gassman, & J. R. Thompson. 2022. “Local Table Food in Iowa as a Path towards Agricultural Sustainability: An Iowa UrbanFEWS Project Study Case.” Agricultural Policy Review Fall 2022. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University. Available at: https://www.card.iastate.edu/ag_policy_review/article/?a=150

Kobiyama, M., Fagundes, M. R., Brighenti T. M., Stone, T. F., & Corseuil, C. W. 2022. Integrative approach for risk and disaster reduction: The Water-Energy-Food-Disaster-Ecosystem Nexus. Ensino de Geografia e Redução de Riscos em Espaços Urbanos e Rurais (Teaching Geography and Risk Reduction in Rural and Urban Spaces). pp. 434-464. Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza (Paula Souza State Technological Education Center). https://doi.org/10.57243/BHUG1272

Stone, T. F., Thompson, J. R., Rosentrater, K. A., & Nair, A. (2021). A Life Cycle Assessment Approach for Vegetables in Large-, Mid-, and Small-Scale Food Systems in the Midwest US. Sustainability13(20), 11368. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011368

Thompson J, Ganapathysubramanian B, Chen W, Dorneich M, Gassman P, Krejci C, Liebman M, Nair A, Passe U, Schwab N, Rosentrater K, Stone T, Wang Y, & Zhou Y (2021) Iowa Urban FEWS: Integrating Social and Biophysical Models for Exploration of Urban Food, Energy, and Water Systems. Frontiers in Big Data, 4:662186. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdata.2021.662186

Stone, T. F., Francis, C. A., & Eik, L. O. (2020). A survey of dairy-goat keeping in Zanzibar. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 20(4) pp. 16220-16235. https://doi.org/10.18697/ajfand.92.18665

Stone, T. F. Sc. Thesis. (2014). Dairy goat keeping in the humid tropics: a case study of small-scale farming systems in Zanzibar. Master’s Thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/217053

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