Aarhus Universitets segl

Tiltrædelsesforelæsning for Mogens H. Greve - professor i pedologi og digital jordbundskortlægning

D. 15. december afholdes tiltrædelsesforelæsning for vores professor Mogens H. Greve på Institut for Agroøkologi - Aarhus Universitet i Foulum (AU Viborg).

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 15. december 2022,  kl. 11:00 - 13:00
Mogens H. Greve tiltræder som professor i pedologi og digital jordbundskortlægning ved Institut for Agroøkologi ved Aarhus Universitet. Foto: Camilla Brodam Galacho

Arrangementet finder sted d. 15. december 2022 kl. 11.00 i Auditoriet i AU Viborg, Blichers Allé 20, 8830 Tjele. 

Der er velkomst kl. 11, herefter følger forelæsningen "National Soil Assessment in Denmark" ved Mogens H. Greve. 

Institut for Agroøkologi er vært ved den efterfølgende reception.

11:00 - 11:10 Velkomst ved institutleder Jørgen E. Olesen
11:10 - 11:40 "National Soil Assessment in Denmark" ved Mogens Greve
“Soil assessment has a long history in Denmark and started during the Middle Ages. The first assessment based directly on evaluation of the physical properties of the soil was done in the beginning af the 18th century, the result was published in 1844 in the first Danish land assessment maps at 1:4000 scale. During the 19 century a number of small-scale maps was published, these maps had very little soil information. In the beginning of the 1970ties  it was finally decided to update the knowledge of the Danish soil resources. A nationwide soil classification system, mainly based on the plow layer texture, was implemented for regional planning purposes at county level. The main rationale behind the survey was to prevent soil sealing of the best agricultural soils. The survey took place in the mid-1970s, 36,000 sites were visited, and resulted in the Danish Soil Classification (DSC) published on 1:50,000 maps In the 1980s, a detailed pedological investigation was carried out based on a nation-wide 7-km Danish Soil Monitoring Grid.  It consisted of 850 grid intersections and soils were detail described and samples was taken down to 2 meter dept. Simultaneously a classification of the acid sulfate soils was performed. From the mid 1980ties very little was national mapping was done until the era on Digital Soil Mapping emerged in 2007 with the first the digital surface soil texture, a  peat distribution map in 2010 followed by a series of high-resolution soil property maps (e.g., sand, silt, clay, soil organic carbon) at multiple soil depths 2013& 2014. Since then a number of national soil assessment maps has be published e.g soil drainage and wheat yield.”
11:40-11:50 Q&A
11:50 - 13:00 Reception

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