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Did you miss: A new variant of the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans is threatening the potato production

"A new variant of the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans is threatening the potato production" warns of a growing threat to potato production due to increasing resistance of late blight to chemical pesticides.

Resistance has been found in late blight to one of the most widely used pesticides. This raises concerns among researchers from Aarhus University. Photo: Jens Grønbech

Late blight is a serious fungal disease that can cause significant damage to potato crops. In the past, chemical pesticides have been effective in controlling the disease. However, an increase in the resistance of late blight to these agents has been observed.

In this article, researchers at Aarhus University warn that this development poses a threat to potato production. Resistance to pesticides means that the disease can become more widespread and harder to control. This can lead to significant economic losses for potato growers and affect the supply of potatoes to consumers.

The article emphasises the importance of finding alternative methods to control late blight and reducing reliance on chemical pesticides. Researchers and growers are working to develop more sustainable and integrated solutions, including the use of resistant potato varieties, biological control agents and changes in cultivation practices.

In light of increasing resistance, farmers and policy makers are urged to be aware of the problem and work together to protect potato crops from late blight and ensure stable potato production in the future.

Read the original article here.