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Mass spectrometry metabolomics unravel belowground chemical interactions between co-cultivated crop species

Study of the belowground chemical interactions between crop species.

[Translate to English:] Foto: Hossein Hazrati

Hossein Hazrato applied mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to elucidate role of small molecules in the chemical interaction between cereals and legumes. The findings of his PhD study revealed that chemical profile of crop species and their root exudates alter in response to co-cultivation. Moreover, the findings disclosed that the root exuded small molecules can be transferred to neighbouring plant species. 

The research findings will be useful for developing management strategies in cereal-legume mix cropping that enhance the complementary effects and minimize the adverse impact of plant competition.

The PhD study was completed at Department of Agroecology, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University.

This summary was prepared by the PhD student.

Time: Monday 6 September 2021 at 13:00
Place: The PhD defence will be held online. To receive a link to the event, please send an e-mail to Karina Rysholt Christensen (kch@agro.au.dk

Title of PhD thesis: Integrating targeted and untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to elucidate the belowground plant-plant interactions

Contact information: Hossein Hazrati, e-mail: hossein.hazrati@biomed.au.dk, tel.: +4571614501

Members of the assessment committee:

Professor, Christelle Robert, Department of Biology, University of Bern, Switzerland

Associate Professor, Anders Nordström, Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå University, Sweden 

Senior Researcher, Henrik Skovgård (chairman), Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark

Main supervisor:

Professor Per Kudsk, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark 


Associate Professor, Inge S. Fomsgaard, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark

Associate Professor, Bo Melander, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark

Language: The PhD dissertation will be defended in English

The defence is public.
Due to the coronavirus situation, the PhD thesis will not be available for reading at the offices of the PhD administration. Instead, interested parties may send an e-mail: gradschool.tech@au.dk to receive a digital copy of the PhD thesis. Please note, it may in certain cases be necessary to make an individual arrangement to read the PhD thesis.