New opportunities for circular bioeconomy research
On 15 March 2018, Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO) will host a seminar where some of the most outstanding researchers within the area will inform the participants about the potentials of bioeconomy in a national as well as a European context.

In May 2017, Aarhus University, Science and Technology, established an interdisciplinary Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO). The Centre carries out research in bio-economy production systems and recirculation concepts; e.g. bio refining methods and high-value products based on green crops, marine biomasses as well as residual and by-products from the agricultural and food sectors.
- For the past year, we have been busy establishing the centre. We have initiated new activities and established contacts between researchers and companies. At the seminar, we will present the Centre’s activities as well as the opportunities for further cooperation, says Head of Centre, Uffe Jørgensen.
Going from a fossil based economy to a circular and biobased economy holds significant societal and industrial potentials.
- We are pleased to present very qualified, external speakers who will inform us about the potentials of bioeconomy in a national as well as a European context, says Uffe Jørgensen.
In addition, the seminar participants will have the opportunity to meet the CBIO research platform managers and learn more about the possibilities for cooperation in relation to specific research projects, apply for PhD funding and enter into cooperation agreements.
The seminar takes place Thursday 15 March from 12 - 16 at Aarhus University in Foulum.