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Report provides a current overview of crop protection

A new report regarding applied crop protection presents results from testing of pesticides and other kinds of plant protection.

[Translate to English:] En ny rapport fra DCA beskriver de seneste resultater fra forsøgene vedrørende plantebeskyttelse. Foto: Uffe Pilegaard Larsen

Which diseases occurred in wheat and barley in research trials in 2018 – and which fungicides had a good effect? What is the situation with regard to pesticide resistance in Denmark and Sweden? How well did the fungicides against potato blight work in 2018? How effective were the various strategies against weeds? What are the latest news from the Global Rust Center? And how was the weather in May 2018 – was it more dry or wet than normally? 

You can find answers to these questions and more in the 2019 version of the report Applied Crop Protection published by DCA – Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture. 

The report provides an overview of the results from studies carried out in the Department of Agroecology regarding plant protection in agricultural crops with an emphasis on the effects of various pesticides. Results from specific variety resistance trials and testing of warning systems are also included as an integral part of integrated pest management (IPM). 

Most of the trials have taken place in the field, but there are also results from studies undertaken in greenhouses and semifield facilities.   

The report sheds light on the following:  

  • Effects of new pesticides
  • Results of various crop protection strategies as a part of IPM, including control of specific pests. The results encompass different varieties and protection thresholds.
  • Results regarding pesticide resistance
  • Results from field trials with various management systems
  • The annual report from the Global Rust Center

Testing of new products is integrated in advice from the Danish extension services and in the decision support system Planteværn Online. 

You can download “Applied Crop Protection", DCA report no. 152, April 2019 here.

For more information please contact:

Senior Researcher Lise Nistrup Jørgensen, Department of Agroecology, email: lisen.jorgensen@agro.au.dk, telephone: +45 8715 8234, mobile: +45 2228 3352 

Sustainable Pest Management is one of the research areas in which the Department of Agroecology is particularly strong and from which results are delivered in line with national and global societal challenges and goals.