Webinar: How do crop residues affect greenhouse gas emissions in European agriculture?
Join us for a webinar on the ResidueGas project on 3 May 2021. You can meet researchers from most of Europe and learn more about crop residues, their impact on greenhouse gas emissions, and how they are otherwise handled sustainably in plant breeding.
Crop residues contributes substantial inputs of carbon and nitrogen to the soil. They play a very important role in maintaining the fertility of the soil, just as they help to maintain and enhancing the soil's carbon stocks. However, they also contribute to the emission of nitrous oxide both directly due to the content of nitrogen in the crop residues, as well as indirectly because they affect the conditions in the soil that determine the emissions.
The European-funded ResidueGas project has studied how different types of crop residues affect greenhouse gas emissions and how they can be managed to improve the climate benefits of crop management. In a webinar, on 3 May 2021, researchers from the project will present the results, and the relevance of these results will be discussed based on different types of agriculture in Europe.
Topics on the program
For two hours you can hear about the project's results divided into a total of 10 short presentations followed by a panel debate:
- Introduction to ERAGAS ERA-Net - Frank O’Mara, Teagasc, Ireland
- Overview of the ResidueGas project - Jørgen E. Olesen, AU, Denmark
- Quality aspects of crop residues - Sylvie Recous, INRAE, France
- Factors affecting nitrous oxide emissions from crop residues - Maria Ernfors, SLU, Sweden
- Long-term and legacy effects of crop residues - Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, KIT, Germany
- Farmer perspectives of crop residues - Chiara de Notaris, AU, Denmark
- Farm level accounting of greenhouse gases - Søren Kolind If, SEGES, Denmark
- A policy and practice perspective on crop residues - David Michie, National Farmers Union Scotland, UK
- The "low carbon" label, a payment opportunity for French farmers who contribute to climate change mitigation - Anne Schneider, Terres Inovia, France
- Crop residues in organic and conservation agriculture - Andreas Gattinger, JLU Giessen, Germany
Read more about the webinar and register here: https://projects.au.dk/residuegas/stakeholder-webinar/
About the project
The project is funded by FACCE ERA-GAS, and the project period was 1 November 2017 - 31 March 2021.
The aim of the project was to document an improved method for quantifying nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural crop residues, including standards for estimating the amount of nitrogen in residues, as well as improved emission factors for crop residues. The purpose was further to identify and communicate best practice to crop management strategies with respect to their net greenhouse gas effect with respect to nitrous oxide emissions and carbon storage.