Aarhus University Seal

The hormone modulation induced by Ri-technology triggers nutrient and light use efficiency

Main subject area: Plant physiology, plant growth, nitrogen-use efficiency, Ri-technology, Agrobacteria rhizogenes

Short project description

This project implements the Ri (root-inducing) technology for ornamental plants. The Ri technology is based on plant inoculation with Agrobacteria rhizogenes, which has a large Ri plasmid and induces hairy root disease, causing root proliferation from the infection site. The transformation of this plasmid in the plant genome can improve plants with traits; however, how these traits affects plant adaptation to different environmental stresses is unknown and requires investigation. You perform experiments under control conditions with the aim to obtaining a mechanistic understanding of modulation induced by Ri transformation to low nitrogen supply. You will work with contrasting Rosa plants (control and Ri-transformed).  In this study, various analytical and molecular approaches (e.g., metabolite and gene expression analysis) will be used to gain insight into the physiological mechanisms underlying the effect of Ri transformation under abiotic stresses.

Department and supervisor

Project start

Any time

Physical location of project and students work

Department of Food Science, Agro Food Park 48, 8200 Aarhus N

Extent and type of project

45 or 60 ECTS: Experimental theses in which the student is responsible for collection and analysis of his/her own original data

Additional information

Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit I.I. et al  (2013) Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation and Its Biotechnological Applications in Crops, K. R. Hakeem et al. (eds.), Crop Improvement, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7028-1_1