Volume 1 to 24 cumulative author index
Abdul, S.D.; Taylor, A.J.; Hollins, T.W. New pathotypes of Puccinia recondita (brown rust) in the UK and their identification in the field and controlled environments. Volume 20, 1992:26-32
Aggarwal, R.; Bahadur, P.; Host Pathogen interaction in powdery mildew of wheat through SEM. Volume 23, (Part 2) 1995:1-6
Alenzayehu, F.; Parlevliet, I.E.; Meijer-Dekens, R.C.; Virulence of Puccinia hordei on barley in Ethiopia. Volume 24, 1996:17-22
Anon. EUROPEAN AND MEDITERRANEAN CEREAL RUSTS FOUNDATION. The European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts Foundation and the I.S.P.P. Volume 3, 1975:24
Anon. 9" Cereal Rusts Powdery Mildews Conference, Lunteren, The Netherlands, 2-6 September, 1996 Organizing committee, secretary J.E. Parlevliet. Volume 23, (Part 1) 1995:21-26
Anon. Cereal Rusts Bulletin. Change of Editor. Volume 5, 1977:33
Anon. CEREAL RUSTS BULLETIN. Nomenclature. Volume 4, 1976:25-26
Anon. Chairman's address to the 7th European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts Conference, Vienna/Austria, 5-9 September 1988. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):3-5
Anon. COST 817 Workshop on epidemiological parameters, 18-20 October 1995, Roskilde, Denmark. H. Ostergaard . Volume 23, (Part 2) 1995:21-26
Anon. Editor's Note. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 1):22
Anon. EUROPEAN AND MEDITERRANEAN CEREAL RUSTS FOUNDATION. Board, Financial reports, charter membership, 1976 conference. Volume 1, 1973:24-25
Anon. EUROPEAN AND MEDITERRANEAN CEREAL RUSTS FOUNDATION. Bulletin subscriptions, 1972 Conference Proceedings, 1976 Conference. Volume 2, 1974:1
Anon. EUROPEAN AND MEDITERRANEAN CEREAL RUSTS FOUNDATION. Charter membership, Financial reports. Volume 2, 1974:23-24
Anon. EUROPEAN AND MEDITERRANEAN CEREAL RUSTS FOUNDATION. Charter membership, Financial reports. Volume 2, 1974:45
Anon. Letters to the editor Volume 23, (Part 2) 1995:00
Anon. List Of Cereal Rust Workers In The European And Mediterranean Area. Volume 4, 1976:14-23
Anon. Maris Huntsman and yellow rust. Volume 2, 1974:44
Anon. Members of the board of the Cereal Rusts Foundation 1988-1992. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):1
Anon. Note on preparation of papers for publication in the cereal rusts and powdery mildews bulletin. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):41
Anon. Note on preparation of papers for publication in the cereal rusts and powdery mildews bulletin. Volume 16, 1988 (Partx 1):52
Anon. Note on preparation of papers for publication. Volume 17, 1989:24
Anon. Note on Preparation Of Papers For Publication. Volume 17, 1989:69
Anon. Note On Preparation Of Papers For Publication. Volume 18, 1990:43
Anon. Note On Subscriptions Volume 18, 1990:43
Anon. Note on subscriptions. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):41
Anon. Note on subscriptions. Volume 16, 1988 (Partx 1):52
Anon. Note on subscriptions. Volume 17, 1989:24
Anon. Note On Subscriptions. Volume 17, 1989:69
Anon. Notes And News. Volume 5, 1977:3
Anon. Obituary - Professor DiOlivera. Volume 11, 1983:75-77
Anon. Obituary Volume 10, 1982:26
Anon. Obituary Volume 10, 1982:54
Anon. Obituary. Dr Ilse Nover Volume 13, 1985 (Part 2):37
Anon. Obituary. Professor Irvine A. Watson. Volume 14, 1986:39-40
Anon. Obituary. Volume 17, 1989:25-26
Anon. Obituary. Volume 19, 1991:41
Anon. Obituary. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 1):23-24
Anon. Obituary. Volume 7, 1980 (Part 1):23-24
Anon. Preparation Of Papers And Subscriptions Volume 20, 1992:68
Anon. Preparation Of Papers For Publication. Volume 18, 1990:72
Anon. Preparation Of Papers. Volume 19, 1991:40
Anon. Preparation Of Papers. Volume 19, 1991:77
Anon. Resolution. Volume 12, 1984:83
Anon. Subscriptions. Volume 18, 1990:72
Anon. Subscriptions. Volume 19, 1991:40
Anon. Subscriptions. Volume 19, 1991:77
Aslam, M.; The durable nature of leaf rust resistance in wheat cultivar Pavon 76: a case study. Volume 24, 1996:49-53
Backlund, J.E. Aseptic culture of Puccinia graminis on leaf explants of its Berberis host. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):24-29
Bagger, 0. The rust situation in Denmark, 1980. Volume 9, 1981:19-20
Bagger, Ole. Yellow rust in Denmark, 1974. Volume 2, 1974:36-38
Baghadi, A.M. Black stem rust in the Sudan, a preliminary report. Volume 11, 1983:1-5
Baghadi, A.M. Physiologic races of wheat stem rust in the Sudan in 1970-1974. Volume 12, 1984:32-35
Bahadur, P. Evolution of variants of race 21 of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in India. Volume 14, 1986:16-19
Bahadur, P.; Karki, C.B.; Bimb, H.P.; Alam, K.B.; Dubiii, H.J.; An attempt to monitor wheat rusts in the South Asian countries through trap nursery. Volume 22, (Part 1) 1994 :15-20
Bahadur, P.; Khare, C.P.; Aggarwal, R.; Gaikwad, D.G.; Brahma, R.N.; Variation in Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici and effectiveness of Pmgenes. Volume 23, (Part 2) 1995:7-13
Bahadur, P.; Nagarajan, S. Monitoring a new virulence 75G5 of stem rust of wheat during 1982, and sources of resistance. Volume 12, 1984:36-39
Bahadur, P.; Nagarajan, S.; Nayar, S.K. Identification of a new virulence of Puccinia graminis f-sp. tritici in India during 1985. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):6-7
Bahadur, P.; Nagarajan, S.; Nayar, S.K. Pathogenicity survey of Puccinia graminis f.sp avenae in India. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):8-9
Bahadur, P.; Sharma, S.K.; Singh, D. V.; Srivastava, K. D.; Aggarwal, R.; Nagarajan, S. Resistance in some Chinese wheats to Race K (47S102) of Puccinia striiformis. Volume 19, 1991:70-72
Bahadur, P.; Srivastava, K.D.; Singh, D.V.; Sharma, I.B. Postulation of genes for stem rust resistance in Indian wheat. Volume 21, 1993:3-10
Bahadur, R.; Nagarajan, S.; Nayar, S.K. Monitoring a new virulence of race 24 of stem rust of wheat in Indiar during 1981. Volume 10, 1982:11-15
Bahadzir, P.; Singh, D.V.; Srivastava, K.D.; Karki, C.B.; Six weeks delay in leaf rust appearance in Indo-Cangetic plains in 1992 - an analysis. Volume 24, 1996:11-16
Bamdadian, A. Physiologic races of Puccinia recondita in Iran (1968-1972). Volume 1, 1973:45-47
Baradur, P. Pattern of virulence in Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in India. Volume 13, 1985 (Part 2):16-18
Bartos, P. On additional genes for stem- and leaf rust resistance in some European wheat cultivars possessing resistance derived from rye. Volume 2, 1974:10-11
Bartos, P. On the presence of the gene Sr5 in some European cultivars. Volume 3, 1975:27-28
Bartos, P. Physiologic specialization of stem rust and leaf rust of wheat in Czechoslovakia in the last 17 years. Volume 8, 1981 (Part 1):9-11
Bartos, P. The rust situation on wheat in Czechoslovakia in 1980. Volume 9, 1981:16
Bartos, P.; Kosner, P; Kosner, J. Monosomic analysis of resistance to stem rust in the winter wheat cultivar Zdar (Boheme). Volume 23, (Part 1) 1995:1-4
Bartos, P.; Stuchlikova, E.; Kubova, R. Wheat leaf rust epidemics in Czechoslovakia in 1983. Volume 12, 1984:40-41
Bartos, P.; Stughlikova, E. Stem rust resistance of the wheat cultivar Maris Fundin. Volume 17, 1989:10-15
Bartos, P.; Valkoun, J. Rust resistance genes In Czechoslovak wheats. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):36-40
Bartos, P.; Valkoun, J.; K0sner, J.; Slovencikova, V. On the genetics of rust resistance of the wheat cultivar Kavkaz. Volume 1, 1973:27
BARTOS, P. KOSNER, J. STUCHLIKOVA, E, HANUSOVA, R. Genetics of stem- and leaf rust resistance of the wheat cultivar Mephisto. Volume 14, (Part 2)1987: 41-46
BARTOS, P., JOHNSON, R. and STUBBS, R.W. Postulated genes for resistance to yellow rust in Czechoslovakian wheat cultivars. Volume 15, (Part 2)1987: 79-84
Bawden, M. Some observations on the occurence of yellow rust of wheat, Puccinia striiformis, in Cambridge in the early 1930's. Volume 4, 1976:40-43
Bayles, R.A.; Cdannell, M.H.; Stigwood, P.L. New races of Puccinia striiformis in the United Kingdom in 1988. Volume 17, 1989:20-23
Bender, C.M.; Pretorius, Z.A; Kloppers, F.J.; facobs, A.S.; Histopathology of Lr35 resistance to leaf rust of wheat. Volume 24, 1996:116
Beresford, R.M. Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis), a new disease of wheat in New Zealand. Volume 10, 1982:35-41
Bharadwaj, S.C.; Bahadur, P.; Kayar, S.K.; Nagarajan, S. Field and glasshouse evaluation of wheat to stem rust. Volume 20, 1992:53-54
Bhardwaj, S.C.; Nayar, S.K.; Prashar, M.; Kumar, J.; Menon, M.K.; Singh, S.B. A pathogype of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici on Sr 24 in India. Volume 18, 1990:35-38
Bhardway, S.C.; Nayar, S.K.; Prashar, M.; Kumar, I.; Singh, S.B.; Pathotype distribution of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici in India during 1992-93 and 1993-94. Volume 24, 1996:85-90
Birckenstaedt, E.; Hardtke, S.; Lorenz, E.; Paul, V.H. Long-term preservation of uredospores of different species of the genus Puccinia on gramineae. Volume 20, 1992:14-25
Bjardwaj, S.C.; Nyar, S.K.; Prashar, M.; Kitmar, J. Occurrence of a new virulent form 117-1 in race 117 of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in India. Volume 17, 1989:1-5
Boesen, B.; Hovmoller, M.; Forgensen, I.H.; Designation of barley and wheat powdery mildew resistance and virulence in Europe. Volume 24, 1996:108-115
Boskovic, M.M.; Boskovic, J. Iinternational pathogenicity survey of wheat leaf rust pathogen and sources of resistance. Volume 16, 1988 (Partx 1):33-47
Brahma, R.N.; Sivasamy, M.; Saikia, A.; Development of wheat lines with resistance to stem, leaf and stripe rust. Volume 24, 1996:82-84
Brahma, R.N.; Sivasanly, M.; Saikia, A.; Identification of slow rusting lines in wheat to leaf rust caused by Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici. Volume 24, 1996:67-69
Bruckner, F. Breeding of spring barley for resistance to leaf rust and other diseases in Czechoslovakia. Volume 11, 1983:26-28
Cagas, B. The importance of graminicolous rusts and their control in Czechoslovakia. Volume 17, 1989:6-9
Casulli, F. Latent period and spore production of four cultivars of barley heavily infected by two races of Puccinia hordei. Volume 13, 1985 (Part 2):1-10
Ceoloni, Carla. Puccinia hordei in Italy: A preliminary survey on the virulence characteristics of the fungus in our country. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 2):11-16
Chamberlain, N.H. Editor's note. Volume 10, 1982:2
Chamberlain, N.H. Editor's note. Volume 10, 1982:28
Chang-Chen, Hu; Roelfs, A.P. The wheat rusts in the People's Repbulic of China. Volume 13, 1985 (Part 1):11-28
Chilosi, G.; Corazza, L. Occurrence and epidemics of yellow rust of wheat in Italy. Volume 18, 1990:1-9
Chirame, B. B.; Hasabnis, S.N.; Sapkal, R.T. Source of resistance to stem rust of wheat, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. Volume 19, 1991:54-58
Clifford, B.C. Application of the octal/binary notation system to virulence nomenclature in Puccinia hordei, the cause of brown rust of barley. Volume 20, 1992:33-37
Clifford, B.C. Interactions between U.K. isolates of Puccinia reconditatritici and Thatcher wheat lines with single resistance genes. Volume 8, 1981 (Part 2):10-16
Clifford, B.C. Monitoring virulence in Puccinia hordei: a proposal for the choice of host genotypes and survey procedures. Volume 5, 1977:34-38
Clifford, B.C. Preservation of Puccinia hordei uredospores by lyophilization or refrigeration and their subsequent germination and infectivity. Volume 1, 1973:30-34
Clifford, B.C. The choice of barley genotypes to differentiate races of Puccinia hordei Otth. Volume 2, 1974:5-6
Corazza, L. Rust reaction of some exotic bread wheat varieties cultivated in Italy (Rome 1982). Volume 11, 1983:64-69
Corazza, L. Virulence factors of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in Italy in l984. Volume 14, 1986:30-38
Della, A. Cereal rusts in Cyprus in 1976/77. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 1):21
Denissen, C.J.M. Influence of race and temperature on infection type in seedlings of wheat after infection with wheat leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici). Volume 19, 1991:43-50
Dinoor, A. Comments on race surveys. Volume 1, 1973:26
Dinoor, A. Physiologic specialization of oat crown rust in Israel, 1962-1965. Volume 1, 1973:9-11
Dinoor, A. Views on the detection and selection of sources for resistance from wild plants. Volume 1, 1973:12
Donchev, N. The leaf rust problem on wheat in Bulgaria in 1977-78. Volume 7, 1980 (Part 1):16-20
Doncrev, N.; Yallinsky, K.; Iliev, I. Effect of leaf rust (Puccnia recondita f.sp. tritici) on the development of powdery mildew (Erisyphe graministritici) on wheat. Volume 7, 1980 (Part 2):11-14
Dreiseitl, A.; Hlavac, M. Comparison of two methods for computing area under disease progress curve (AUBPC). Volume 12, 1984:16-24
Elabidine, F. Zine; Reinhold, M.; Scharen, A.L. Effect of early powdery mildew infection on barley under simulated drought stress. Volume 20, 1992:1-6
Fajemisin, J.M.; Potentials for stable resistance to Puccinia polysora in local (Nigerian) and exotic maize varieties. Volume 4, 1976:5-8
Falahati-Rastegar, M.; Manners, J.G.; Smartt, J. The attempted production of new physiologic races by somatic recombination in Puccinia hordei. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 1):19-20
Freitas, A.P.C. A character designation of the host in host - parasite systems and a representation of the corresponding genes. Volume 2, 1974:33-35
Freitas, A.P.C. A preliminary analysis of genes for receptivity of wheat to Puccinia recondita. Volume 8, 1981 (Part 1):3-8
Freitas, A.P.C. Cereal rusts in Portugal in 1980. Volume 9, 1981:17-18
Freitas, Alberto; Palyart Do Carmo, E. Physiologic races of Puccinia recondita Rob. isolated from wheat in the provinces of Continental Portugal. Volume 12, 1984:25-27
Freitlas, A.P.C. A correction. Volume 3, 1975:44
Fried, P.M. The rust situation in Switzerland, 1981 and 1982. Announcement of Cereal Rusts Conference 1984. Volume 11, 1983:40
Fried, P.M. The rust situation on wheat in Switzerland in 1980. Volume 9, 1981:21
Fried, P.M.; Bnniman, A. The rust situation on wheat in Switzerland in 1978. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 2):25-26
Frost, A.J.P. Some results obtained in the United Kingdom using benodanil (BAS 317OF) for the control of yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis) on wheat. Volume 3, 1975:10-13
Fuchs, Eva. Opening Address to the Fourth European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts Conference, Interlaken, 1976. 1 - Volume 5, 1977:3
Gill, K.S.; Dhaliwal, H.S.; Singh, H.; Nayar, S.K. Diversity for leaf rust resistance in species related to wheat. Volume 18, 1990:67-71
Gordon-Werner, E.; Aslam, M. Testing of Pakistani wheat germplasm for rust. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):19-23
Grunewaldt, J.; Grunewaldt, G. Selection of Puccinia hordei resistant mutants. Volume 5, 1977:24-26
Gupta, A.K.; Saini, R.G. Some genotypes of Puccinia recondita isolated from Indian leaf rust races. Volume 9, 1981:46-48
Hadjichristodoulou, A. Cereal diseases in Cyprus, 1979-80. Volume 9, 1981:49-51
Hadjichristodoulou, A.; Kari, A The rust situation on barley and wheat in Cyprus in 1981. Volume 10, 1982:22-24
Hanusova, R.; Kosner, J. Monosomic analysis of resistance to powdery mildew in winter wheat cultivar Galahad. Volume 18, 1990:39-42
Hartleb, H.; Gerlach, Doris; Walter, Ursula. The Spread of Puccinia hordei otth. in varieties and breeding lines of spring barley with different race - nonspecific resistance. Volume 12, 1984:42-51
Hartleb, H; Walter, U; Gerlach, D. Comparative epidemiological studies of spring barley with different resistance to Puccinia hordei otth. Volume 12, 1984:71-82
Hasim, L.O.; Russell, G.E. Possible control of brown (leaf) rust on winter wheat by applying chlorides to the soil. Volume 10, 1982:29-34
Hassan, S.F, Hussain, M.; Rizvi, S.A. Investigations on rusts of wheat in Pakistan. 4 - Volume 5, 1977:10
HELFER, S. Development of cereal rusts on host and non-host plants. Volume 15, (Part 2)1987: 44-52
Hermansen, J.E, Torp, U.; Prahm, L.P. Evidence of longdistance dispersal of live spores of Puccinia hordei and P. recondita f.sp.tritici. Volume 4, 1976:31-35
Hermansen, J.E. Cereal rusts in Denmark. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 2):23
Hermansen, J.E. Notes on the yellow rust epiphytotic in Denmark in 1972. Volume 1, 1973:5-8
Hofferek, H. Induction of resistance to Puccinia striiformis West. in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Volume 12, 1984:52-64
Honrao, B.K.; Rao, V.S.P.; Sources of resistance to race 77 of leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici) in durum wheat. I. Seedling resistance. Volume 24, 1996:39-43
Honrao, B.K.; Rao, V.S.P.; Sources of resistance to race 77 of leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici) in durum wheat. I. Adult plant resistance. Volume 24, 1996:44-48
HU, CHANG-CHENG, ROELFS, A.P. Postulation of genes for stem rust resistance in 24 Chinese wheat cultivars. Volume 14, (Part 2)1987: 61-67
HU, CHANG-CHENG, ROELFS, A.P. Postulation of genes for stem rust resistance in13 Chinese wheat cultivars. Volume 14, (Part 2)1987: 68-74.
Hu, Chang-Cheng; Roelfs, A.P. Virulence of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici in China in 1987. Volume 18, 1990:52-60
Hussain, M.; Aslam, M.; Kirmai, M.A.S.; Evaluation of powdery mildew resistance in wheat accessions from Pakistan and Australia. Volume 22, (Part 1) 1994 :21-24
Hussain, M.; Aslam, M.; Kirmani, M.A.S. Occurrence of a new pathotype of leaf rust of wheat and its impact on wheat production in Pakistan. Volume 17, 1989:16-19
Hussain, M.; Hamid, S.J. Pathogenicity survey of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici in Pakistan during 1982. Volume 11, 1983:52-61
Hyde, P.M.; Poynitz, B. A simple method for the reliable infection of adult cereal leaves with Puccinia recondita. Volume 11, 1983:62-69
Ionescu-Cojocaru, M,; Saulescu, N.N.; Negulescu, F.L. Inhertance of adult plant resistance to leaf rust in five wheat varieties. Volume 7, 1980 (Part 2):6-10
Ionescu-Cojocaru, M. Leaf and stem rust of wheat in Romania in 1978. Volume 7, 1980 (Part 1):21-22
Ionescu-Cojocaru, M.; Negulescu, F. The complementary effect of at least two genes for resistance to Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici operating in the winter wheat cultivars Aurora and Kaukaz. Volume 2, 1974:16-18
Jiazhi, Pang; Rong Tin, Sun; Zhigang, Yang. Monosomic analysis of gene for resistance to yellow rust in winter wheat cultivar Beijing 837. Volume 19, 1991:17-19
JOHNSON, R. Editorial and Secretary's Report on Change of Editor. Volume 15, (Part 2)1987: 43
Johnson, R, Taylor, A.J.; Smith, G.M.B. Samples of Puccinia striiformis from yellow rust infections on Maris Huntsman in 1974. Volume 3, 1975:4-6
Johnson, R.; Lovell, N.K.; Genetics of resistance of wheat to barley-attacking races of Puccinia striiformis. Volume 22, (Part 1) 1994 :32-40
Johnson, R.; After dinner speech/sketch at the conference dinner of the 9th CRPMC, 2-6 September 1996, Lunteren, The Netherlands. Volume 24, 1996:119
Johnson, R.; Law, C.N. Cytogenetic studies on the resistance of the wheat variety Bersee to Puccinia striiformis. Volume 1, 1973:38-43
Johnson, R.; Stubbs, R.W.; Kir.?4ani, M.A.S.; Rizvi, S.S.A.; Statler, G.D. Discussion of a method resulting in erroneous postulation of the gene Yr8 for resistance to Puccinia striiformis in Pakistani wheat cultivars. Volume 15, 1987:13-19
Johnson, R.; Taylor, A.J.; Smith, G.M.B. Resistance to British races of Puccinia striiformis in the differential wheat cultivars Heines Kolben and Heines Peko. Volume 14, 1986:20-23
Johnson. R,; Priestley, R.H.; Taylor, E.C. Occurrence of virulence in Puccinia striiformis for Compair wheat in England. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 1):11-13
Joshi, L,M.; Srivastava, K.D.; Singh, D.V.; Ramanujam, K. Wheat rust epidemics in India since 1970. Volume 8, 1981 (Part 1):17-21
Joshi, L.M, Goel, L.B.; Sinha, V.C. Role of the western Himalayas in the annual recurrence of yellow rust in northern India. Volume 4, 1976:27-30
Joshi, L.M. Surveys on wheat rust in India: the rust situation since 1972. Volume 3, 1975:7-9
Kampmeijer, P. Differ: a procedure to find new differential varieties in large cultivar-isolate reaction matrices. Volume 9, 1981:9-13
Karki, C.B.; Pande, S.; Thombre, S.B.; Joshi, L.M.; Nagarajan, S. Evaluation of a linear model to predict stem rust severity. Volume 7, 1980 (Part 1):3-7
Kellock, L.J.; Lennard, J.H. The development of barley yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis) on different cultivars in relation to pre- and postinoculation temperature. Volume 10, 1982:36-53
Kema, G.H.J.; Editorial. Volume 24, 1996:1-2
Kema, G.H.J.; Zeven, A.C.; Stubbs, R.W. Resistance to yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis Westend.) in Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta. Volume 14, 1986:7-15
Kinaci, E. The importance of the Turkish Trap Nursery (TTN) for monitoring wheat and barley diseases. Volume 11, 1983:36-38
Kosner, J.; Bartos, P. Monosomic analysis of resistance to stem rust race 11 in the spring wheat cultivar Sylva. Volume 15, 1987:10-12
Ktimar Kalita, R.; Bahadtir, P.; Kulshresta, V.P.; Resistance in wheat to leaf rust. Volume 24, 1996: 23-28,
Kumar, J.; Nayar, S.K.; Baradur, P.; Nagarajan, S.; Bhardwaj, S.C.; Prashar, M.; Singh, S.B. Virulence survey of yellow rust of wheat (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) and barley (P.striiformis f.sp. hordei) during1985-87. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):30-35
Kumar, J.; Nayar, S.K.; Prashar, M.; Nagarajan, S.; Mapping the Puccinia striiformis race flora in Ladakh and other valleys of the interior Himalaya. Volume 24, 1996:98-104
Kumar, J.; Nayar, S.K.; Prashar, M.; Bhardwaj, S.C.; Bhatnagar, Rashmi. Virulence survey of Puccinia striiformis in India during 1990-1992. Volume 21, 1993:17-24
Kummer, M.; Denissen, C.J.M.; Van Der Putten, P.E.L. Pathogenicity of wheat leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici) in the Volume 19, 1991:Netherlands.20-26
Kurjin, H.; Mihova, Stanka. Wheat sources with a complex resistance to rusts. Volume 17, 1989:62-68
Kurjix, H.; Mihova, S. Resistance of new Bulgarian soft wheat lines to rusts. Volume 19, 1991:33-39
lacobs, A.S.; Pretorius, Z.A.; Kloppers, F.J.; Cox, T.S.; Coutinho, T.A.; Histopathology of wheat leaf rust resistance derived from Triticum monococcum. Volume 24, 1996:117-118
Limpert, E.; Workshops on pathotype nomenclature. Volume 21, 1993:25-26
Loban, V.L. Race composition of stem and leaf rusts of wheat in Ethiopia. Volume 16, 1988 (Part 2):10-18
Lokhande, S.B.; Patil, R.I.; Prevalence and distribution of physiologic races of stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici) in central and peninsular India during 1993-94 and 1994-95. Volume 24, 1996:79-81
Magnus, H.A. Cereal Rust situation in Norway in 1981. Volume 10, 1982:25
Magnus, H.A. The rust situation in Norway, 1980. Volume 9, 1981:22
Mahmood, T.; Marshall, D. Observations on virulence/avirulence patterns of Puccinia recondita in wheat cultivar mixtures and their component purelines. Volume 17, 1989:57-61
Manners J.G. Editorial. Volume 1, 1973:1-2
Massenot, M. Changes in the race composition of Puccinia graminis f,sp, tritici in France, in 1977. Volume 6, 1979 (Part 1):14
Mathre, D.E.; Scharen, A.L.;; Johnston, M.R.; Obituary Eugene L. Sharp, 1926-1994. Volume 22, (Part 1) 1994 :3-4
Mikhailova, L.A.; Cultyaeva, E.L; The detection of wheat leaf rust resistance genes in 13 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Volume 24, 1996:70-73
Mishra, A.N.; Varnia, P.K.; Evaluation of rust tolerance in some Indian land races and old cultivars of wheat. Volume 23, (Part 1) 1995:13-20
Mishra, A.N.; Bhawsar, R.C.; Kaushal, Kamini; Upadhyaya, Y.M. Genetic diversity for stem rust resistance in Triticum aestivum L. Volume 18, 1990:10-21
Mishra, A.N.; Mutkekar, M.L.; Brahma, R.N.; Kaushal, Kamini. Identification of additional sources of resistance to Indian stem rust populations. Volume 19, 1991:73-76
Mishra, A.N.; Thakur, R.S.; Upadhyaya, Y.M. Genetic diversity in Triticum durum (Desf.). 1. Studies on stem rust resistance. Volume 17, 1989:27-35
Mishra, A.N.; Thakur, R.S.; Upadhyaya, Y.M. Genetic diversity in Triticum durum (Desf.). 2. Studies on leaf rust resistance. Volume 17, 1989:36-45
Mishra, A.N.; Upadhyaya, Y.M. Probable genetic architecture of resistance to stem and leaf rusts in some wheats showing Sr 2 - associated pseudo-black chaff phenotype. Volume 18, 1990:22-34
Mishra, A.N.; Verma, P.K.; Brahma, R.N.; Mutkekar, M.L.; Paramjit Singh. Evaluation of Israeli durum land races for rust resistance in India. Volume 17, 1989:46-56
Musa, G.L.C. The spectrum of resistance in Rye to Puccinia graminis and P. recondita. Volume 13, 1985 (Part 1):29-36
Mutkekar, M.L.; Bhancale, G.T.; Patil, J.V.; Kalekar, A.R. Sources of resistance to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici). Volume 13, 1985 (Part 2):19-22
MUTKEKAR, M.L., SHINDE, V.K. and PATIL, J.V. Prevalence and distribution of physiologic races of leaf rust (Puccinia recondita Rob. ex. Desm,) in peninsular India during 1982-83 and 1983-84. Volume 15, (Part 2)1987: 68-68
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Thanks to Philip Smith, SCRI, for compiling this index