Aarhus Universitets segl

Eco Eco

Environmental and socioeconomic potential of new concepts and business models for increased production and utilization of biomass from agricultural land in Denmark (ECO ECO)

The project will establish a foundation for assessing the environmental and socio-economic consequences of increasing the biomass production and use in biorefineries in Denmark. The products from biorefineries might be high value industrial products, that otherwise would have been made based on fossil energy, and/or animal feed products that will replace imported feed. Furthermore, based on the most promising technologies from the other projects within this research program, the project will assess the environmental and socio-economic consequences of the implementation of such technologies. The assessment will include a hotspot analysis of the consequences to inform the decision makers in Denmark of possibilities and limitations.

The work is organized in the following work packages:

WP1: Methods for regionalisation of the Danish agricultural production in relation to environmental challenges (vulnerable areas, damage effects) and establishment of input-output flows to support environmental and economic analyses at a differentiated land use.


WP2: Conceptual development of life cycle assessment (LCA) to be able to handle the fact that some damage effects are local whereas others are global. A connection between indicators that can be used both on a local and global level will be established. Furthermore, conceptual development in LCA on how to handle a range of products and not only one or two.


WP3: Updating and further extension of the economic valuation of national, regional and global environmental impacts, and aligned with LCA based indicators. Furthermore, to include valuation of ecosystem services in an LCA framework.


WP4: Socio-economic project appraisal of the relevant biobased technologies taking into account environmental consequences and the associated uncertainties. Two perspectives will be offered; one with a societal perspective being welfare economic and one being project economic from the view of stakeholders


Project meeting 29 April 2015 at AU-Foulum