Aarhus Universitets segl

Bread, gluten & diabetes

Main subject area: Crop biotechnology

Short project description

A number of different projects are available within field of bread and gluten. We try to develop new varieties of barley using new breeding technologies to increase the quality of barley flour for baking purposes. We analyse gluten structure and molecular composition to understand how it may contribute to celiac disease or other types of gluten insensitivity. We analyse the carbohydrate fraction of flour and use new breeding techniques to increase its health impact. In particularly in relation to relief of glycemic control in type-2 diabetic patients.

Department and supervisor

Project start

Any time

Physical location of project and students work

AU Flakkebjerg

Extent and type of project

30 ECTS: Theoretical thesis based on literature studies and/or analysis of issued and edited data sets.

45 ECTS: Experimental theses in which the student is responsible for collection and analysis of his/her own original data

60 ECTS: Experimental theses in which the student is responsible for planning, trial design and collection and analysis of his/her own original data

Additional information

See more at: https://www.klimafokus.dk/bygbroed-boer-erstatte-rugbroedet-men-der-er-en-hage/

And:  https://landbrugsavisen.dk/mark/ny-kornsort-skal-forebygge-diabetes-og-overv%C3%A6gt