Aarhus Universitets segl

Climate-accounts at landscape scale - while gaining local benefits

Main subject area: Land use; climate regulating services; spatial geographical modelling; multifunctional landscapes

Short project description

One of the solutions to counteract the current climate crises is to capture more carbon in soils. For exam- ple natural forest stores more carbon/ha in the soil as compared to agriculture. In this project, we will dive into carbon storage of various land-use and soil types - e.g. agriculture, forest, grassland, and wet- lands and the effect of converting from on land-use to another. If done intelligent, these specific land-use changes are likely to deliver positive side-effects in the surrounding landscape by boosting local biodi- versity and decreasing nitrogen leaching, where the latter is one of the main pollutants in costal environ- ments. In this project the student will calculate scenarios for future land-use based on climate-account- ing at landscape scale, based on how much land is converted and where it should be converted to gain highest effect. The data used can be existing geographical land-use data (GIS) assisted by IPCC conver- sion factors and the Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-specific Assessment (TESSA).

Project start


Physical location of project and students work

Department of Agroecology, AU Viborg

Extent and type of project

45 ECTS: Experimental theses in which the student is responsible for collection and analysis of his/her own original data

60 ECTS: Experimental theses in which the student is responsible for planning, trial design and collection and analysis of his/her own original data

Additional information

  • Odgaard MV, Knudsen MT, Hermansen JE & Dalgaard T. 2019. Targeted grassland production e A Dan- ish case study on multiple benefits from converting cereal to grasslands for green biorefinery. Journal of cleaner production.
  • Alonso i, Weston, k., Gregg, r. & Morecroft. 2012. Carbon storage by habitat - Review of the evidene of the impacts of management decisions and condition on carbon stores and sources., Natural England Re- search Reports - Number NERR043.
  • Bachelet D, Ferschweiler K, Sheehan T, Baker B, Sleeter BM, Zhu Z. 2017. Human footprint affects US carbon balance more than climate change. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09770-0