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Ph.d.-uddannelser ved Institut for Agroøkologi

Agroøkologi beskæftiger sig med samspillet mellem jord, planter, dyr, mennesker og miljø i økosystemer til produktion af fødevarer, foder og biomasse. Vores formål er at uddanne og fremme den kommende generation af forskere, videnskabsfolk og udviklere af teknologi inden for agroøkologi og teknologi på højeste videnskabeligt niveau i et ægte tværdisciplinært og internationalt miljø. 
Læs mere om, hvad vi kan tilbyde dig som ph.d.-studerende ved Institut for Agroøkologi og Aarhus Universitet her ved at klikke på emnerne nedenfor. 

AGRO PhD courses


February 10-15: (INTERNAL) Biostatistics Modelling (5ECTS). Course fee: 200 Euro, Course responsible: Franca Giannini-Kurina and Maarit Mäenpää. Sign-up for AU PhD students via email (m.maenpaa@agro.au.dk).

June 16-20: Soil Classification (4 ECTS). Course fee: 1000 Euro, course responsible: Mogens Humlekrog Greve and Anders B. Møller. For sign-up click here.

June 16-27: Hands-on Liquid Chromatography–Mass spectrometry course in the analysis of small molecules (phytochemicals, contaminants, primary metabolites) (8 ECTS). Course fee: 3020 Euro incl. hotel, 1580 excl. hotel, course responsible: Benjamin Fuchs and Charlotte Knudsen. Sign-up here until 1 May 2025.

September – November: Soil organic matter and organically bound nutrients - turnover and stabilization (4ECTS). Course fee: 200 Euro, course responsible: Jim Rasmussen, Zhi Liang and Kirsten Lønne Enggrob. For sign-up click here.

September 22-26: Modelling production and environmental impacts of cropping and grassland systems using APSIM (5 ECTS). Course fee: 600 Euro, course responsible: Iris Vogeler Cronin. For sign-up click here.

Internal journal clubs

If you are a group of students that are interested in establishing journal clubs, you can get ECTS point for doing so. Here are some examples on previous journal clubs:

Climate and water and Soil fertility sections journal club (Foulum) – for information please contact Jeroen Pullens

Soil Physics Journal Club (Foulum) – for information please contact Cecilie Hermansen

IMP Journal Club (Flakkebjerg) – for information please contact Mette Sønderskov

Journal Club on Soil Organic Matter – for information please contact Zhi Liang.  

R club – for information please contact Anders Bjørn Møller

PhD students in AGRO

Here is a list of PhD students in Department of Agroecology, divided on sections. 

PhD Committee - 2024

Stamatios Thomopoulos

Ph.d.-studerende Institut for Agroøkologi - Afgrødesundhed

Henrik Skovgård

Seniorforsker Institut for Agroøkologi - Agerlandets biodiversitet

Yiwei Shang

Ph.d.-studerende Institut for Agroøkologi - Klima og Vand

Jim Rasmussen

Seniorforsker Institut for Agroøkologi - Klima og Vand

Nele Lohrum

Postdoc Institut for Agroøkologi - Jordbrugssystemer og Bæredygtighed

Anne Grete Kongsted

Seniorforsker Institut for Agroøkologi - Jordbrugssystemer og Bæredygtighed

Ameesh Khatkar

Ph.d.-studerende Institut for Agroøkologi - Jordfysik og Hydropedologi

Fiona Hay

Seniorforsker Institut for Agroøkologi - Afgrødegenetik og Bioteknologi

Lis Wollesen de Jonge

Professor Institut for Agroøkologi - Jordfysik og Hydropedologi

Iris Vogeler Cronin

Seniorforsker Institut for Agroøkologi - Jordbiologi og Næringsstoffer

Karina Rysholt Christensen

Research Group Coordinator - Human Resource Institut for Agroøkologi - Sekretariat, AGRO Foulum

Working Environment Forum (W.E.F.) for PhDs and Postdocs

W.E.F. is a platform to address all kinds of social, mental, or professional issues related to our work at AGRO-Foulum as well as a forum to share knowledge and relevant links for further help and information.

The group aims at being a dynamic and constructive forum to discuss relevant issues among PhDs and Post-Docs. It is dynamic in the sense that topics will develop over time according to the wishes and the needs of the participants. This requires that participants are open and active (also outside of meetings).

W.E.F. is a safe space to discuss issues, challenges, complaints, etc. within a closed group, but also offers the opportunity to act on specific problems as the group can approach relevant persons or fora, e.g. The Department Forum or The Local Liaison Committee (LSU), if changes are needed. As a group, we are more likely to make ourselves heard by the management/department/university, as well as gain self-confidence to deal with issues. Working environment is not an individual issue, and it should be addressed together in the spirit of a union standing together.

The aim of the W.E.F. is to connect PhDs and Post-Docs at AGRO-Foulum to facilitate sharing of challenges as well as to discuss and get advice from each other, but we encourage the participants to use it as much as possible. For example, all participants have the opportunity to form smaller writing groups or other specific constellations that can benefit their specific needs and wishes.

All PhDs and Post-Docs from AGRO are very welcome to join W.E.F.! This also includes guest PhDs, who are strongly encouraged to participate in order to benefit from the experiences of others. This can be related to the work that is demanded by the university or the expectations we are faced with (or that we put on ourselves). Furthermore, everyone is invited to the Teams channel AGRO share and connect where links and files can be uploaded. Contact the group to join this channel.

Main meetings occur every month, and you should get invitations to the meetings in your outlook calendar via your email. If not, contact PhD student Esben Øster Mortensen (eom@agro.au.dk) or head of the PhD committee Lis Wollesen de Jonge (lis.w.de.jonge@agro.au.dk).

W.E.F. works in a democratic way and all participants are encouraged to take initiative and responsibility. The W.E.F.-moderator group will call for meetings, prepare the meeting agendas and act as moderators during the meetings. The meeting agendas will be based on the wishes from all participants. Anyone who wishes to participate in the W.E.F.-moderator group is very much welcome!

Wellbeing initiatives in AGRO

The wellbeing of all members of staff in AGRO is very important, but we have several initiatives related specifically to PhD students and junior scientists. These initiatives have been established and improved over the years as we find it very important to support especially our young people the best way we can. Many of the initiatives are very unique and only offered at AGRO.


AGRO’s buddy-scheme was established in 2007 on requirement from the PhD students. The list of tasks was made by the students, and it is continuously updated to reflect the needs of the current students. In 2016 the buddy-scheme was introduced to the entire department as part of our onboarding programme.

The purpose of the buddy-scheme is to make new students feel welcome and to make sure that they become a part of the scientific and social part of the department.

Introduction meetings for new students

4 times a year we will in continuation of the department introduction meetings have specific introduction meetings for new PhD students in the department. The meeting will contain information on our specific PhD initiatives and other things to be aware of in connection with doing a PhD in our department.

Wellbeing conversations

Wellbeing conversations were implemented in 2015 and have since been part of the PhD committee’s tasks. The conversations are held twice a year between one of the senior PhD committee members and the student.

The purpose of the conversations is to give the student a room to discuss topics with a person who is not involved in the PhD project. The student sets the agenda and decides which topics should be discussed.

It is mandatory to participate in the talks, they are confidential, and no minutes are taken. It is  possible to book more conversations if it is needed.

Working Environment Forum (W.E.F.) for PhDs and Postdocs

W.E.F. was established in 2021 and is a platform to address all kinds of social, mental, or professional issues related to our work at AGRO-Foulum as well as a forum to share knowledge and relevant links for further help and information.

The group aims to be a dynamic and constructive forum to discuss relevant issues among PhDs and Post Docs.

W.E.F. can raise issues/problems towards the management/committees in AGRO and thereby act as a connector between the young scientists and the management/committees.  

AGRO Researcher Days

Once a year a two-day event for all VIP and PhDs in the department takes place. The days can be used to discuss relevant topics both together (VIP and PhDs) and in relevant groups.

It is a possibility to get together across the sections and locations and it is great opportunity to discuss things that are relevant for both VIP and PhD.

The PhD committee gives suggestions to the topics that should be treated at the meeting.

PhD committee workday

Once a year the PhD committee meets for a physical meeting. At this meeting all guidelines and descriptions on the PhD homepage are being evaluated and updated. At this event the students have the possibility to influence the way things are done and described and we make sure that the guidelines, processes, and descriptions reflect the current PhD students’ needs.

Introduction meetings

4 times a year the department will have introduction meetings for all new employees and guests in the department. These meetings will contain general information about the department and being a member of staff at AU. The meetings will be held online so all locations can follow the same meeting. The PhD committee will host an extended introduction meeting for the new PhD students after the general introduction meeting. This meeting will focus on the things that are special and unique to being a PhD student.

The content of the meeting will primarily contain information on:

  • The PhD committee (AGRO+GSTS)
  • Buddy function
  • TAP-supervisor and The good plan
  • PhD plan and MyPhD
  • ½ year evaluation
  • Well-being conversations
  • Courses, seminars, change of environment and dutywork
  • WEF
  • Alignment of expectations

Career after the PhD

This is just help in connection with deciding what to do after the PhD

Career consulting

PhD career day

Hear of a job opportunity related to agroecology? Forward it to auf_jobs@googlegroups.com! As always, you can forward emails without joining the group J

Want to receive emails about job opportunities? Join here https://groups.google.com/d/forum/auf_jobs

As an initiative for the job aspirants at AU in Foulum and Flakkebjerg, we have a google group where job opportunities are shared. The aim is the compile all the emails we receive from personal contacts, newsletters etc. about available academic positions elsewhere such that the final year PhDs, postdocs and recent graduates can benefit from them. We highly encourage everyone, but in particular senior staff, to share any opportunities they hear about through their networks.

Please be aware of the help and guidance you can get from your union (fagforening).

PhD theses

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