The present project will investigate the uptake and metabolization of rye bioactive constituents in prostate tissue; elucidate the effects of a high and low benzoxazinoid diet on metabolic changes in prostate cancer; correlate between markers, clinic-pathological factors and metabolomics results; conclude on which compounds are active in the suppressive effects on prostate cancer and so provide the reasons for using whole grain rye as adjuvant to the medicinal treatment of prostate cancer.
The RyeproC project (“Whole grain rye as a functional food for suppression of prostate cancer – elucidating the role of benzoxazinoids and other bioactive constituents”) is coordinated by associate professor, PhD Inge S. Fomsgaard, Aarhus University, Dept. of Agroecology.
The research work is distributed in two work packages as listed below (Acronym of participating researcher in parenthesis, bold text: principal).
WP1. Elucidation of chemical structures
Structural elucidation of whole grain rye bioactive constituents in human prostate tissue (IFO, SKS, MIB, MEB), search for specific prostate tissue metabolization products (SKS, IFO), synthesis of identified compounds (SKS, IFO).
WP2. Effect of intake of whole grain rye food products on prostate cancer
Intervention study and sampling of prostate biopsies (MIB, MEB, SØH), elucidation of molecular reactions (SØH, MIB, scholar), metabolic profiling of primary and secondary metabolites (SKS, MIB, IFO), advanced statistical correlation (MIB, SØH, SKS, IFO, MEB).
BREAD AND BREAKFAST (Exploiting newly discovered multiple-effect bioactive compounds for the development of immunoregulatory and appetite-controlling bread and breakfast products)
Financed by the Danish Strategic Research Council.
MolPros (Molecular Prediction of Prostate Cancer Risk and Aggressiveness)
Financed by Aarhus University
FATEALLCHEM (Fate and toxicity of allelochemicals (natural plant toxins) in relation to environment and consumer)
EU financed FP5 project, on the ecological importance of benzoxazinoids:
AMARANTH:FUTURE-FOOD (Adding Value to Holy Grain: Providing the Key Tools for the Exploitation of Amaranth - the Protein-rich Grain of the Aztecs
EU financed FP6 project
Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology,
Forsøgsvej 1, DK-4200 Slagelse, Denmark
Associate professor, PhD Inge S. Fomsgaard
87158212 / 22283399
Head Laboratory Technician Bente B. Laursen
87157503 / 24242956
Administrative case officer Inge Harbo
Post doc Stine Krogh Steffensen
Clinical nutritionist Mette Borre
78462815 / 24625453
Consultant Mette Skaanild
21 63 77 70
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Clinical Medicine - The Department of Urology K
Brendstrupgårdsvej 100, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Clinical professor, Michael Borre
78 45 26 16
29 61 27 13
Project Nurse Helene Holm Pedersen
78 45 26 38
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Pathology,
Noerrebrogade 44, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Head of department, Dr. Søren Høyer
78 46 36 93 / 29 87 18 24
The RyeproC project is funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research – Technology and Production (12-127498).
External support is generously provided by the following companies:
Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs
Participants of the RyeproC project are grateful for the funding.
Effects of benzoxazinoids on prostate cancer cells
Bioactive small molecules in commercially available cereal food: Benzoxazinoids
Biphenyl Columns Provide Good Separation of the Glucosides of DIMBOA and DIM(2)BOA
The role of benzoxazinoids, new players for human health
Alterations of the benzoxazinoid profiles of uninjured maize seedlings during freezing, storage, and lyophilization
Effects of plant secondary metabolite benzoxazinoids on the plant microbiome
Benzoxazinoids in Prostate Cancer Patients after a Rye-Intensive Diet: Methods and Initial Results
Benzoxazinoids: Cereal phytochemicals with putative therapeutic and health-protecting properties
Hvorfor kan rug bremse kræft?
Rye bread against prostate cancer. DCA - Danish Centre For Food And Agriculture