Gislum, R., Nikneshan, P.
, Shrestha, S., Tadayyon, A.
, Deleuran, L. C. & Boelt, B. (2018).
Characterisation of castor (Ricinus communis L.) seed quality using fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy in combination with multivariate data analysis.
8(4), Artikel 59.
Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Shetty, N., Gislum, R. & Boelt, B. (2018).
Importance of seed quality for the fresh cut chain.
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Holme, I. B., Wendt, T., Gil-Humanes, J.
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Evaluation of the mature grain phytase candidate HvPAPhy_a gene in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) using CRISPR/Cas9 and TALENs.
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Evaluation of the mature grain phytase candidate HvPAPhy_a gene in barley using CRISPR/Cas9 and TALENs. Poster session præsenteret på CRISPR AGBIO & Precision Genome Editing Europe 2017, London, Storbritannien.
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Evaluation of the mature grain phytase candidate HvPAPhy_a gene in barley using CRISPR/Cas9 and TALENs. I
Plant Biotech Denmark Annual meeting 2017 (s. 72)
Sapkota, R., Olesen, M. H., Deleuran, L. C., Boelt, B. & Nicolaisen, M. (2016).
Effect of Verticillium dahliae soil inoculum levels on spinach seed infection.
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Shrestha, S., Knapič, M., Žibrat, U.
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Single seed near-infrared hyperspectral imaging in determining tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seed quality in association with multivariate data analysis.
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Olesen, M. H., Nikneshan, P.
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Viability Prediction of Ricinus cummunis L. Seeds Using Multispectral Imaging.
15(2), 4592-4604.
Zida, E. P., Thio, I. G., Néya, B. J., O'Hanlon, K.
, Deleuran, L. C., Wulff, E. G., Lund, O. S., Shetty, P. H.
& Boelt, B. (2014).
Fungal endophytes of sorghum in Burkina Faso: Occurrence and distribution.
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Boelt, B., Deleuran, L. C. & Jørgensen, J. R., (2014).
Notat om udfordringer ved og muligheder for afgang til certificeret udsæd med mindre end 0,1 % GMO-indhold, Nr. 1277601, 10 s., aug. 27, 2014.
Deleuran, L. C., Kristensen, K., Gislum, R. & Boelt, B. (2013).
Optimizing the number of consecutive seed harvests in red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for yield, yield components and economic return.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science,
63(1), 1-10.
Paaske, K., Olesen, M. H., Deleuran, L. C. & Feidenhans'l, B. (2012).
Bekæmpelse af svampesygdomme i spinat. I L. C. Deleuran (red.),
Spinat til frø - forsøg med kvælstof, vækstregulering, ukrudtsbekæmpelse og svampebekæmpelse (Bind 013, s. 36-43). DCA - Nationalt center for fødevarer og jordbrug.
Gislum, R., Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Tveden-Nyborg, S. & Boelt, B. (2012).
Single seed NIR as a fast method to predict germination ability in Pak Choi.
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Shetty, N., Olesen, M. H., Gislum, R., Deleuran, L. C. & Boelt, B. (2012).
Use of partial least squares discriminant analysis on visible-near infrared multispectral image data to examine germination ability and germ length in spinach seeds.
Journal of Chemometrics,
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Min, T. G.
, Shetty, N., Kang, W. S.
, Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H. & Gislum, R. (2010).
Multivariate classification of germinated, non-germinated and artificially aged radish and cabbage seeds using single seed near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Poster session præsenteret på ISTA Congress Cologne, Køln, Tyskland.
Deleuran, L. C., Gislum, R. & Boelt, B. (2005).
Placement of nitrogen in spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.): a method to increase seed yield? Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science,
55(1), 68-75.,5,13;journal,9,30;linkingpublicationresults,1:103635,1