Tanaka, T., Wang, S., Jørgensen, J. R., Gentili, M., Vidal, A. Z., Mortensen, A. K., Acharya, B. S.
, Beck, B. D. & Gislum, R. (2024).
Review of Crop Phenotyping in Field Plot Experiments Using UAV-Mounted Sensors and Algorithms.
8(6), Artikel 212.
Yuan, Z.
, Gislum, R., Jing, Z., Zhifeng, J., Xiang, M., Haicong, L., Rongming, G., Wei, Z., Jiaqi, F., Zhou, Q. & Hui, W. (2024).
Variations of seed size and seed number per spikelet and their effects on seed germination in hulled oats.
Grass and Forage Science,
79(1), 29-36. Artikel 12626.
Gislum, R., Larsen, R., Thomsen, I. K., Greve, M. B., Hansen, E. M. & Nyholm Jørgensen, R., (2023).
Betingelse for indsamling af data til brug for omregningsfaktor mellem NDV/NDRE og planteoptag af kvælstof, Nr. 2023-0543874, 8 s., aug. 23, 2023. Rådgivningsnotat fra DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug
Hansen, E. M., Thomsen, I. K., Cronin, I. V., Gislum, R., Larsen, R. & Mortensen, A. K., (2023).
Opdatere trappemodel om dækningsgrad af efterafgrøder ved kontrol i forhold til etableringstidspunkt, Nr. 2022-0445946, 18 s., apr. 26, 2023. Rådgivningsnotat fra DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug
Gislum, R., Thomsen, I. K., Hansen, E. M., Mortensen, A. K., Larsen, R. & Olesen, J. E. (2022).
Endelig rapport i pilotprojekt om biomasse. Aarhus Universitet - DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug. Rådgivningsrapport fra DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug
Gislum, R., Holst, N., Mortensen, A. K., Larsen, R., Andersen, M. N., Thomsen, I. K. & Hansen, E. M., (2022).
Omregningsfaktor fra NDVI og NDRE til kg N optag/ha, Nr. 2022-0389751, 9 s., sep. 19, 2022. Rådgivningsnotat fra DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug
Azizi, K., Ayoubi, S., Nabiollahi, K., Garosi, Y.
& Gislum, R. (2022).
Predicting heavy metal contents by applying machine learning approaches and environmental covariates in west of Iran.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration,
233, Artikel 106921.
Gislum, R., Thomsen, I. K., Hansen, E. M., Mortensen, A. K., Larsen, R. & Olesen, J. E., (2021).
Analyser i pilotprojekt om biomasse på baggrund af data fra forsøgsår 2020, Nr. 2021-0206943, 18 s., maj 05, 2021. Rådgivningsnotat fra DCA – National Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug
Pedersen, M. F.
, Gyldengren, J. G., Pedersen, S. M., Diamantopoulos, E.
, Gislum, R. & Styczen, M. E. (2021).
A simulation of variable rate nitrogen application in winter wheat with soil and sensor information - An economic feasibility study.
Agricultural Systems,
192, Artikel 103147.
Tan, S., Mortensen, A. K., Ma, X.
, Boelt, B. & Gislum, R. (2021).
Assessment of grass lodging using texture and canopy height distribution features derived from UAV visual-band images.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,
308-309, Artikel 108541.
Skovsen, S. K., Laursen, M. S., Kristensen, R. K., Rasmussen, J., Dyrmann, M., Eriksen, J., Gislum, R., Nyholm Jørgensen, R. & Karstoft, H. (2021).
Robust Species Distribution Mapping of Crop Mixtures Using Color Images and Convolutional Neural Networks.
21( 1), Artikel 175.
Gislum, R., Thomopoulos, S.
, Gyldengren, J. G., Mortensen, A. K. & Boelt, B. (2021).
The Use of Remote Sensing to Determine Nitrogen Status in Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for Seed Production.
2(2), 229-243.
Zhong, Y., Vidkjær, N. H., Massange-Sanchez, J. A., Laursen, B. B., Gislum, R., Borg, S., Jiang, D.
& Hebelstrup, K. H. (2020).
Changes in spatiotemporal protein and amino acid gradients in wheat caryopsis after N-topdressing.
Plant Science,
291, Artikel 110336.
Gyldengren, J. G., Abrahamsen, P.
, Olesen, J. E., Styczen, M., Hansen, S.
& Gislum, R. (2020).
Effects of winter wheat N status on assimilate and N partitioning in the mechanistic agroecosystem model DAISY.
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science,
206(6), 784-805.
Nørremark, M., Gislum, R., Sørensen, P., Hansen, E. M., Thomsen, I. K. & Eriksen, J., (2020).
Effekten af præcisionsjordbrug og omregning til efterafgrøder, Nr. 2020-0191867, 9 s., dec. 17, 2020.
Zhong, Y., Sagnelli, D., Topbjerg, H. B., Hasler-Sheetal, H., Andrzejczak, O. A., Hooshmand, K., Gislum, R., Jiang, D.
, Møller, I. M., Blennow, A.
& Hebelstrup, K. H. (2020).
Expression of starch-binding factor CBM20 in barley plastids controls the number of starch granules and the level of CO2 fixation.
Journal of Experimental Botany,
71(1), 234-246.
Gyldengren, J. G., Greve, M. B., Skou-Nielsen, N.
, Olesen, J. E. & Gislum, R. (2020).
Field scale agronomic and environmental consequences of overlapping Nfertilizer application by disc spreaders.
Field Crops Research,
255, 1-18. Artikel 107901.
Thomsen, I. K., Hansen, E. M., Jensen, J. L., Larsen, R., Mortensen, A. K. & Gislum, R., (2020).
Revurdering af Landbrugsstyrelsens kontrolmodel 2019 (trappemodellen), Nr. 2020-0133641, 15 s., sep. 01, 2020.
Eriksen, J., Thomsen, I. K., Hoffmann, C. C., Hasler, B., Jacobsen, B. H.
, Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Strandberg, B., Christensen, B. T., Boelt, B., Iversen, B. V., Kronvang, B., Børgesen, C. D., Abolos Rodriguez, D., Zak, D. H., Hansen, E. M., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Rubæk, G. H., Ørum, J. E.
, Rasmussen, J. ... Jørgensen, U. (2020).
Virkemidler til reduktion af kvælstofbelastningen af vandmiljøet. Aarhus Universitet - DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug. DCA rapport Nr. 174
Gislum, R., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., Thomsen, I. K., Hansen, E. M. & Olesen, J. E., (2019).
Beskrivelse af setup for vidensindsamling og måling af NDVI-værdi i pilotprojekt om biomasse, Nr. 2019-760-001283, 3 s., jul. 03, 2019.
Wang, H.
, Mortensen, A. K., Mao, P.
, Boelt, B. & Gislum, R. (2019).
Estimating the nitrogen nutrition index in grass seed crops using a UAV-mounted multispectralcamera.
International Journal of Remote Sensing,
40(7), 2467-2482.
Gislum, R., Thomsen, I. K., Hansen, E. M. & Olesen, J. E., (2019).
Fastsættelse af NDVI-krav i pilotprojektet om biomasse, Nr. 2019-760-001133, 8 s., maj 22, 2019.
Azim, S., Rasmussen, J., Nielsen, J.
, Gislum, R., Laursen, M. S. & Christensen, S. (2019).
Manual geo‑rectification to improve the spatial accuracy of ortho‑mosaics based on images from consumer‑grade unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Precision Agriculture,
20(6), 1199-1210.
Thomsen, I. K., Hansen, E. M., Larsen, R. & Gislum, R., (2019).
Markforsøg med efterafgrøder: Etableringstidspunktets betydning for dækningsgrad, Nr. 2019-760-001110, 10 s., apr. 30, 2019.
Thomsen, I. K., Gislum, R., Hansen, E. M. & Olesen, J. E., (2019).
Overordnet vurdering af risiko for merudvaskning i pilotprojektordning om biomasse, Nr. 2019-760-001282, 7 s., jul. 03, 2019.
Skovsen, S., Laursen, M. S., Gislum, R., Eriksen, J., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Farkhani, S., Karstoft, H., Jensen, N.-P.
& Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2019).
Species distribution mapping of grass clover leys using images for targeted nitrogen fertilization. I J. V. Stafford (red.),
Precision Agriculture 2019 - Papers Presented at the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ECPA 2019 (s. 639-645). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Laursen, M. S., Gislum, R., Eriksen, J., Farkhani, S., Karstoft, H. & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2019).
The GrassClover Image Dataset for Semantic and Hierarchical Species Understanding in Agriculture. Datasæt
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Laursen, M. S., Gislum, R., Eriksen, J., Farkhani, S., Karstoft, H. & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2019).
The GrassClover Image Dataset for Semantic and Hierarchical Species Understanding in Agriculture. Poster session præsenteret på IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019, Long Beach, California, USA.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Laursen, M. S., Gislum, R., Eriksen, J., Farkhani, S., Karstoft, H. & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2019).
The GrassClover Image Dataset for Semantic and Hierarchical Species Understanding in Agriculture. I
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops IEEE.
Nørremark, M., Thomsen, I. K., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Nyord, T., Gislum, R., Sørensen, P., Hansen, E. M. & Eriksen, J., (2018).
Betragtninger vedrørende miljøeffektberegninger af pilotprojektordning om præcisionslandbrug, Nr. 2018-760-000878, 4 s., sep. 20, 2018.
Gislum, R., Nikneshan, P.
, Shrestha, S., Tadayyon, A.
, Deleuran, L. C. & Boelt, B. (2018).
Characterisation of castor (Ricinus communis L.) seed quality using fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy in combination with multivariate data analysis.
8(4), Artikel 59.
Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Shetty, N., Gislum, R. & Boelt, B. (2018).
Importance of seed quality for the fresh cut chain.
Acta Horticulturae,
1209, 35-40.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Eriksen, J., Gislum, R., Karstoft, H. & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2018).
Predicting Dry Matter Composition of Grass Clover Leys Using Data Simulation and Camera-based Segmentation of Field Canopies into White Clover, Red Clover, Grass and Weeds. I
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Precision Engineering Artikel 5079 International Society of Precision Agriculture.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Eriksen, J., Gislum, R., Karstoft, H. & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2018).
Predicting Dry Matter Composition of Grass Clover Leys Using Data Simulation and Camera-based Segmentation of Field Canopies into White Clover, Red Clover, Grass and Weeds. Abstract fra International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.
Mortensen, A. K., Bender, A., Whelan, B., Barbour, M. M., Sukkarieh, S.
, Karstoft, H. & Gislum, R. (2018).
Segmentation of lettuce in coloured 3D point clouds for fresh weight estimation.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,
154, 373-381.
Nielsen, S. F., Jørgensen, U., Hjorth, M., Felby, C.
& Gislum, R. (2017).
Comparing methods for measuring the digestibility of miscanthus in bioethanol or biogas processing.
GCB Bioenergy,
9(1), 168-175.
Knadel, M., Gislum, R., Hermansen, C., Peng, Y., Møldrup, P.
, de Jonge, L. W. & Greve, M. H. (2017).
Comparing predictive ability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to visible near-infrared spectroscopy for soil property determination.
Biosystems Engineering,
156, 157-172.
Christiansen, M. P., Laursen, M. S., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., Skovsen, S. & Gislum, R. (2017).
Designing and Testing a UAV Mapping System for Agricultural Field Surveying.
17(12), Artikel 2703.
Skovsen, S., Dyrmann, M., Mortensen, A. K., Steen, K. A., Green, O., Eriksen, J., Gislum, R., Nyholm Jørgensen, R. & Karstoft, H. (2017).
Estimation of the Botanical Composition of Clover-Grass Leys from RGB Images Using Data Simulation and Fully Convolutional Neural Networks.
17(12), Artikel 2930.
Nørremark, M., Thomsen, I. K., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Nyord, T., Gislum, R., Rasmussen, A., Sørensen, P., Hansen, E. M. & Eriksen, J., (2017).
Notat vedr. præcisionsjordbrug og målrettet regulering, Nr. 2017-760-000363, 12 s., sep. 29, 2017.
Mortensen, A. K., Karstoft, H., Søegaard, K., Gislum, R. & Nyholm Jørgensen, R. (2017).
Preliminary Results of Clover and Grass Coverage and Total Dry Matter Estimation in Clover-Grass Crops Using Image Analysis.
Journal of Imaging,
3(4), Artikel 59.
Etzerodt, T., Gislum, R., Laursen, B., Heinrichson, K., Gregersen, P. L., Jørgensen, L. N. & Fomsgaard, I. S. (2016).
Correlation of Deoxynivalenol Accumulation in Fusarium-Infected Winter and Spring Wheat Cultivars with Secondary Metabolites at Different Growth Stages.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
64(22), 4545-4555.
Ingvordsen, C. H.
, Gislum, R., Jørgensen, J. R., Mikkelsen, T. N., Stockmarr, A. & Bagger Jørgensen, R. (2016).
Grain protein concentration and harvestable protein under future climate conditions. A study of 108 spring barley accessions.
Journal of Experimental Botany,
67(8), 2151-2158.
Hauggaard-Nielsen, H., Lachouani, P.
, Knudsen, M. T., Ambus, P. L.
, Boelt, B. & Gislum, R. (2016).
Productivity and carbon footprint of perennial grass-forage legume intercropping strategies with high or low nitrogen fertilizer input.
Science of the Total Environment,
541, 1339-1347.
Shrestha, S., Knapič, M., Žibrat, U.
, Deleuran, L. C. & Gislum, R. (2016).
Single seed near-infrared hyperspectral imaging in determining tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seed quality in association with multivariate data analysis.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
237, 1027-1034.
Nielsen, S. F., Hjorth, M., Baby, S., Felby, C.
, Jørgensen, U. & Gislum, R. (2016).
The effect of harvest time, dry matter content and mechanical pretreatments on anaerobic digestion and enzymatic hydrolysis of miscanthus.
Bioresource Technology,
218, 1008-1015.
Ingvordsen, C. H.
, Gislum, R., Jørgensen, J. R., Mikkelsen, T. N., Stockmarr, A. & Bagger Jørgensen, R. (2016, maj 3).
The fundament of food, crop protein production, is threatened by climate change.
Vrešak, M.
, Halkjaer Olesen, M., Gislum, R., Bavec, F.
& Ravn Jørgensen, J. (2016).
The Use of Image-Spectroscopy Technology as a Diagnostic Method for Seed Health Testing and Variety Identification.
11(3), e0152011. Artikel e0152011.
Hermansen, C., Knadel, M., Møldrup, P.
, Greve, M. H., Gislum, R. & de Jonge, L. W. (2016).
Visible–Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Can Predict the Clay/Organic Carbon and Mineral Fines/Organic Carbon Ratios.
Soil Science Society of America Journal,
80(6), 1486-1495.
Vidkjær, N. H., Wollenweber, B., Gislum, R., Jensen, K.-M. V. & Fomsgaard, I. S. (2015).
Are ant feces nutrients for plants? A metabolomics approach to elucidate the nutritional effects on plants hosting weaver ants.
11(4), 1013-1028.
Nielsen, S. F., Wahid, R., Jørgensen, U., Møller, H. B., Felby, C.
& Gislum, R. (2015).
Assessing biogas potentials of energy crops using near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy. Poster session præsenteret på 17th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Foz do Iguazu, Brasilien.
Mortensen, A. K., Karstoft, H., Nyholm Jørgensen, R., Larsen, R., Jørgensen, J. R. & Gislum, R. (2015).
BioMap - Mapping of Biomass using UAV.
Knadel, M., Peng, Y., Hermansen, C., Norgaard, T., Gislum, R., de Jonge, L. W., Møldrup, P.
& Greve, M. H. (2015).
Determining the clay/organic carbon ratio by visible near infrared spectroscopy. Abstract fra 17th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Foz do Iguazu, Brasilien.
Wahid, R., Nielsen, S. F., Hernandez, V. M., Ward, A. J., Gislum, R., Jørgensen, U. & Møller, H. B. (2015).
Methane production potential from Miscanthus sp. Effect of harvesting time, genotypes and plant fractions.
Biosystems Engineering,
133, 71-80.
Pinkalski, C., Damgaard, C., Jensen, K.-M. V., Gislum, R., Peng, R.
& Offenberg, J. (2015).
Non-destructive biomass estimation of Oecophylla smaragdina colonies: a model species for the ecological impact of ants.
Insect Conservation and Diversity,
8(5), 464-473.
Hermansen, C., Knadel, M., Moldrup, P.
, Greve, M. H., Gislum, R. & de Jonge, L. W. (2015).
Prediction of mineral fines to soil organic carbon ratio with visible near-infrared spectroscopy (vis-NIRS). Abstract fra ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meeting 2015, Minneapolis, USA.
Vrešak, M.
, Olesen, M. H., Gislum, R., Bavec, F.
& Jørgensen, J. R. (2015).
The use of image-spectroscopy technology as a diagnostic method for seed health tests and variety identification. Poster session præsenteret på Final COBRA Conference, Vingsted, Danmark.
Olesen, M. H., Nikneshan, P.
, Shrestha, S., Tadayyon, A.
, Deleuran, L. C., Boelt, B. & Gislum, R. (2015).
Viability Prediction of Ricinus cummunis L. Seeds Using Multispectral Imaging.
15(2), 4592-4604.
Peng, Y., Knadel, M., Gislum, R., Schelde, K., Thomsen, A. G. & Greve, M. H. (2014).
Quantification of SOC and Clay Content Using Visible Near-Infrared Reflectance–Mid-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy With Jack-Knifing Partial Least Squares Regression.
Soil Science,
179(7), 325-332.
Eriksen, J. (red.), Jensen, P. N. (red.), Jacobsen, B. H. (red.)
, Thomsen, I. K., Schelde, K., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Kronvang, B., Hansen, E. M., Jørgensen, U., Andersen, H. E., Hoffmann, C. C., Børgesen, C. D., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Rasmussen, J. J., Olesen, J. E., Kjærgaard, C., Sørensen, P., Hasler, B., Eberhardt, J. M.
... Gislum, R. (2014).
Virkemidler til realisering af 2. generations vandplaner og målrettet arealregulering. DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug,. DCA rapport Bind 052
Deleuran, L. C., Kristensen, K., Gislum, R. & Boelt, B. (2013).
Optimizing the number of consecutive seed harvests in red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for yield, yield components and economic return.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science,
63(1), 1-10.
Peng, Y., Knadel, M., Gislum, R., Deng, F., Nørgaard, T., de Jonge, L. W., Møldrup, P.
& Greve, M. H. (2013).
Predicting Soil Organic Carbon at Field Scale Using a National Soil Spectral Library.
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy,
21(3), 213-222.
Peng, Y., Knadel, M., Gislum, R., Schelde, K., Thomsen, A. G. & Greve, M. H. (2013).
Quantification Of Soil Characteristics Using Vis-NIR and Mir Spectroscopy On a Field Scale. I
Water, Food, Energy & Innovation for a Sustainable World Artikel 411-14
Gislum, R., Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H., Tveden-Nyborg, S. & Boelt, B. (2012).
Single seed NIR as a fast method to predict germination ability in Pak Choi.
N I R News,
23(4), 6-7.
Shetty, N., Olesen, M. H., Gislum, R., Deleuran, L. C. & Boelt, B. (2012).
Use of partial least squares discriminant analysis on visible-near infrared multispectral image data to examine germination ability and germ length in spinach seeds.
Journal of Chemometrics,
26(8-9), 462-466.
Shetty, N., Min, T.-G.
, Gislum, R., Olesen, M. H. & Boelt, B. (2011).
Optimal sample size for predicting viability of cabbage and radish seeds based on near infrared spectra of single seeds.
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy,
19(6), 451-461.
Wang, Q., Zhang, T., Cui, J., Wang, X., Zhou, H., Han, J.
& Gislum, R. (2011).
Path and ridge regression analysis of seed yield and seed yield components of Russian wildrye (Psathyrostachys juncea Nevski) under field conditions.
P L o S One,
6(4: e18245).
Green, O., Jørgensen, R. N.
, Kristensen, K., Gislum, R., Bochtis, D. & Sørensen, C. A. G. (2010).
Effects of the machine wheel load on grass yield. Poster session præsenteret på World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Sustainable biosystems through engineering, Quebec, Canada.
Green, O., Tortajada, V. G., Gislum, R., Jørgensen, R. N.
& Sørensen, C. A. G. (2010).
Forage density effect on sound insulation properties.
Grass and Forage Science,
65(3), 362-366.
Min, T. G.
, Shetty, N., Kang, W. S.
, Deleuran, L. C., Olesen, M. H. & Gislum, R. (2010).
Multivariate classification of germinated, non-germinated and artificially aged radish and cabbage seeds using single seed near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Poster session præsenteret på ISTA Congress Cologne, Køln, Tyskland.
Raju, C. S., Ward, A. J., Møller, H. B., Shetty, N. & Gislum, R. (2009).
Application of NIR in the measurement of quality parameters for biogas production - with focus on Danish meadow grasses. Poster session præsenteret på NJF Seminar: Agricultural application of NIRS and NIT, Slagelse, Danmark.
Jørgensen, R. N.
, Green, O., Swain, K. C., Kristensen, K., Gislum, R., Bochtis, D. & Sørensen, C. A. G. (2009).
Impact on clover-grass yield caused by different traffic intensities. Poster session præsenteret på International Agricultural Engineering Conference, Pathumthani, Thailand.
Jørgensen, R. N.
, Green, O., Swain, K. C., Kristensen, K., Gislum, R., Bochtis, D. & Sørensen, C. A. G. (2009).
Impact on clover-grass yield caused by different traffic intensities. I V. M. Salokhe & P. Soni (red.),
10th International Agricultural Engineering Conference - Book of Abstracts (s. 35). Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering.
Shetty, N., Raju, C. S., Gislum, R., Møller, H. B., Ward, A. J. & Lærke, P. E. (2009).
NIR-spectroscopy for measurement of quality parameters in plants for biogas. I
NJF Seminar 413 Agricultural applications of NIRS and NIT (s. 72)
Shetty, N., Raju, C. S., Gislum, R., Møller, H. B., Ward, A. J. & Lærke, P. E. (2009).
NIR-spectroscopy for measurement of quality parameters in plants for biogas. Poster session præsenteret på NJF Seminar: Agricultural applications of NIRS and NIT, Slagelse, Danmark.
Hart, J. M., Rolston, P., Mellbye, M. E., Silberstein, T. B., Young III, W. C., McCloy, B. L., Gingrich, G. A., Christensen, N. W.
& Gislum, R. (2007).
Comparison of soil N tests for prediction of spring N rate in perennial ryegrass seed production. I T. S. Aamild, L. T. Havstad & B. Boelt (red.),
Proceedings of the Sixth International Herbage Seed Conference: Seed production in the northern light (Bind 2, s. 239-243). Bioforsk.
Gislum, R., Rolston, P., Hart, J. M., Chynoweth, R., McCloy, B. & Young, W. C. (2007).
Economical optimal nitrogen (ECO-N) application rate is all that matters for the growers. I T. S. Aamlid, L. T. Havstad & B. Boelt (red.),
Proceedings of the Sixth International Herbage Seed Conference: Seed production in the norhern light (Bind 2, s. 206-210). Bioforsk.
Deleuran, L. C., Gislum, R. & Boelt, B. (2005).
Placement of nitrogen in spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.): a method to increase seed yield? Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science,
55(1), 68-75.
Gislum, R., Boelt, B., Jensen, E. S.
, Wollenweber, B. & Kristensen, K. (2005).
Temporal variation in nitrogen concentration of above ground perennial ryegrass applied different nitrogen fertiliser rates.
Field Crops Research,
91(1), 83-90.
Gislum, R., Deneufbourg, F., Hacquet, J., Borm, G., vanDijk, W.
& Boelt, B. (2003).
Restrictions and balances in the use of nitrogen for grass seed production in France, The Netherlands and Denmark; a review with case studies. I
Fifth International Herbage Seed Conference (s. 48-52). Queensland Department of Primary Industries.