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New scientific article - Plant Disease, March 2016
Two new articles from GRRC -The first is a recovery and a virulence phenotyping study of old isolates from the collection. The second is a SSR marker…
New scientific article - Plant Pathology April 2016
Scientists from Aarhus University and commercial breeders and leading foreign research institutions will in partnership develop new varieties of wheat…
An isolate of the basidiomycete Puccinia striiformis, which causes yellow (stripe) rust on wheat, was selfed on the newly discovered alternate host,…
This collaborative work between Denmark, France and Pakistan describe the worldwide population structure of wheat yellow rust and identifies the…
These results stress the need of maintaining high genetic diversity for disease resistance in wheat and of using pathogen isolates of diverse origin…
There is an urgent need for devising new methods of preventing attacks of yellow rust fungus in cereals. A new project tackles the problem from…
The Global Wheat Rust Monitoring System (RustTracker) reports about a potential outbreak of yellow rust epidemics in CWANA.
Organic farmers do not have many tools at their disposal against yellow rust in wheat and triticale apart from resistant varieties and good advice.…
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