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Julian Rodriguez-Algaba, AU, GRRC defended his Ph.D in October, 2017. Read about the key findings of his research
Up to 2014 wheat stem rust was not considered of major importance in Western Siberia, but severe epidemics in 2015 and 2016 has changed the situation.…
New scientific article - Frontiers in Plant Science, June 2017
New scientific article - Fungal Biology, April 2017
New scientific article - Frontiers in Plant Science, April 2017
Postdoc Tine Thach from GRRC, Aarhus University has been awarded the 2017 Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Award.
Two significant new races having unique yellow rust genotypes were detected across wide areas in Europe/North Africa and East Africa/Central Asia,…
Results of extensive lab tests of samples of stem rust have shown that the 2016 stem rust epidemics in Sicily were caused by a new, highly virulent…
After the establishment of the Warrior race across Europe in 2011, the Warrior(-) variant now prevail in most European countries.
New scientific article - Ecology and Evolution, March 2016
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