Aarhus University Seal

Crop Health

The section conducts research on various aspects of crop health and aims to support the development of an environmentally and economically sustainable crop production in Denmark as well as in the countries housing the research institutes we collaborate with.

The main competences of the section are biology and management of weeds, diseases and pests in arable and horticultural crops, seed production, crop quality, crop nutrition and physiology, biological control of diseases, decision support systems, environmental fate of pesticides and effects of natural compounds in crops.

Administrative coordinator: Mette Abildgaard, e-mail: e-mail: mette.abildgaard@agro.au.dk, mobile: +45 2090 6715 

The Department of Agroecology is GEP certified (Good Experimental Practice) for testing of pesticides. View our GEP certificates and learn more about GEP.

Research areas


René Gislum

Associate Professor, Head of Section